Re: [PATCH RFT 0/2] drm/bridge: Use per-client debugfs entry

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Hi Dmitry,

thanks for the review!

> > The I2C core now offers a debugfs-directory per client. Use it and
> > remove the custom handling in drm bridge drivers. I don't have the
> > hardware, so I hope I can find people willing to test here. Build bots
> > are happy. And for it6505, it even fixes a problem. See the patch
> > description there.
> I'd say, it should be done in a slightly different way: bridges have the
> debugfs_init() callback, which is used by drm_bridge_connector (and can
> be used by other bridge-created connetors) in order to create per-bridge
> debugfs data. Please consider using it to create per-bridge debugfs data.


> Note, that callbacks gets connector's dentry as an argument, so bridges
> still should probably create a subdir for their own stuff.

I wonder if this is necessary (I just looked at the code and have no
hardware to test this, sadly). It looks to me as:

- DRM has already debugfs infrastructure, yet those drivers don't use it
- but they should
- the new I2C client debugfs infrastructure is, thus, not needed here
- DRM provides a dentry to the callbacks which drivers can "just use"
- all drivers I looked at just put files there and never clean up
  (because the subsystem does it)

So, from that, I should switch to the debugfs_init() callback and just
use the dentry provided? Or am I missing something?

Happy hacking,


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