Il 18/10/23 06:36, Hsiao Chien Sung ha scritto:
Different from OVL, OVL adaptor is a pseudo device so we didn't define it in the device tree, consequently, pm_runtime_resume_and_get() called by .atomic_enable() powers on no device in OVL adaptor and leads to power outage in the corresponding IOMMU. To resolve the issue, we implement a function to power on the RDMAs in OVL adaptor, and the system will make sure the IOMMU is powered on as well because of the device link (iommus) in the RDMA nodes in DTS. Signed-off-by: Hsiao Chien Sung <shawn.sung@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: AngeloGioacchino Del Regno <angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>