Re: [PATCH] drm/gem: Check for valid formats

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On 1/3/23 19:46, Rob Clark wrote:
drive-by thought/concern, what are the odds that there is some wayland
compositor out there that creates an fb for every window surface, even
if it later decides to composite on the GPU because the display does
not support the format?  It seems like there is a non-zero chance of
breaking userspace..

As Simon pointed out, drivers like i915 and AMDGPU already reject IOCTLs
with invalid parameters, as you can see on [1] and [2], so this patch
would make the behavior more consistent between the drivers. That said,
I don't believe that this patch would break userspace, as userspace
already needs to handle with the existing drivers.


Best Regards,
- Maíra Canal

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