--- Comment #20 from Harald Judt (h.judt@xxxxxx) --- One thing that I have noticed: Since these changes, the kernel seems to switch to text mode when hibernating. Before that I think it remained (frozen) on the X screen. Here are the results: - 1+4: screen black, display suspend led, keyboard comes online again but no ssh. can sysreq to reboot. - 2+4: screen black first, comes back after some time, restores screen with hibernation snapshotting progress visible (not those of resume), continues to resume (resuming progress visible), but then screen goes black again in dpms on, ssh available. was able to compile kernel and reboot via ssh. - 3+4: does not compile. unknown fb struct or so. because of that, i tried 2+3+4 since 2+4 compiled fine and worked fine mostly. - 2+3+4 works as good as 1+2+3+4. seems patch 1 is not necessary. -- You may reply to this email to add a comment. You are receiving this mail because: You are watching the assignee of the bug.