Re: [PATCH 02/12] drm/msm/dpu: add dpu_hw_wb abstraction for writeback blocks

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On 15/04/2022 00:28, Abhinav Kumar wrote:
Hi Dmitry

Thanks for the review.

Finally got back to this series after getting acks on the drm_writeback core changes.

On 2/4/2022 2:56 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On 05/02/2022 00:17, Abhinav Kumar wrote:
Add the dpu_hw_wb abstraction to program registers related to the
writeback block. These will be invoked once all the configuration
is set and ready to be programmed to the registers.

Reviewed-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@xxxxxxxxxx>

Few minor comments bellow.

Signed-off-by: Abhinav Kumar <quic_abhinavk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile              |   1 +
  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.c | 267 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.h | 145 ++++++++++++++++
  3 files changed, 413 insertions(+)
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.c
  create mode 100644 drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.h

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile
index 03ab55c..c43ef35 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ msm-y := \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_top.o \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_util.o \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_vbif.o \
+    disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.o \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_io_util.o \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_kms.o \
      disp/dpu1/dpu_mdss.o \
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d395475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_wb.c
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+ /*
+  * Copyright (c) 2022 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved
+  */
+#include "dpu_hw_mdss.h"
+#include "dpu_hwio.h"
+#include "dpu_hw_catalog.h"
+#include "dpu_hw_wb.h"
+#include "dpu_formats.h"
+#include "dpu_kms.h"
+#define WB_DST_FORMAT                         0x000
+#define WB_DST_OP_MODE                        0x004
+#define WB_DST_PACK_PATTERN                   0x008
+#define WB_DST0_ADDR                          0x00C
+#define WB_DST1_ADDR                          0x010
+#define WB_DST2_ADDR                          0x014
+#define WB_DST3_ADDR                          0x018
+#define WB_DST_YSTRIDE0                       0x01C
+#define WB_DST_YSTRIDE1                       0x020
+#define WB_DST_YSTRIDE1                       0x020
+#define WB_DST_DITHER_BITDEPTH                0x024
+#define WB_DST_MATRIX_ROW0                    0x030
+#define WB_DST_MATRIX_ROW1                    0x034
+#define WB_DST_MATRIX_ROW2                    0x038
+#define WB_DST_MATRIX_ROW3                    0x03C
+#define WB_DST_WRITE_CONFIG                   0x048
+#define WB_ROTATION_DNSCALER                  0x050
+#define WB_ROTATOR_PIPE_DOWNSCALER            0x054
+#define WB_N16_INIT_PHASE_X_C03               0x060
+#define WB_N16_INIT_PHASE_X_C12               0x064
+#define WB_N16_INIT_PHASE_Y_C03               0x068
+#define WB_N16_INIT_PHASE_Y_C12               0x06C
+#define WB_OUT_SIZE                           0x074
+#define WB_ALPHA_X_VALUE                      0x078
+#define WB_DANGER_LUT                         0x084
+#define WB_SAFE_LUT                           0x088
+#define WB_QOS_CTRL                           0x090
+#define WB_CREQ_LUT_0                         0x098
+#define WB_CREQ_LUT_1                         0x09C
+#define WB_UBWC_STATIC_CTRL                   0x144
+#define WB_MUX                                0x150
+#define WB_CROP_CTRL                          0x154
+#define WB_CROP_OFFSET                        0x158
+#define WB_CSC_BASE                           0x260
+#define WB_DST_ADDR_SW_STATUS                 0x2B0
+#define WB_CDP_CNTL                           0x2B4
+#define WB_OUT_IMAGE_SIZE                     0x2C0
+#define WB_OUT_XY                             0x2C4
+/* WB_QOS_CTRL */
+#define WB_QOS_CTRL_DANGER_SAFE_EN            BIT(0)
+static const struct dpu_wb_cfg *_wb_offset(enum dpu_wb wb,
+        const struct dpu_mdss_cfg *m, void __iomem *addr,
+        struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *b)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < m->wb_count; i++) {
+        if (wb == m->wb[i].id) {
+            b->base_off = addr;
+            b->blk_off = m->wb[i].base;
+            b->length = m->wb[i].len;
+            b->hwversion = m->hwversion;
+            return &m->wb[i];
+        }
+    }
+    return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+static void dpu_hw_wb_setup_outaddress(struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx,
+        struct dpu_hw_wb_cfg *data)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c = &ctx->hw;
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST0_ADDR, data->dest.plane_addr[0]);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST1_ADDR, data->dest.plane_addr[1]);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST2_ADDR, data->dest.plane_addr[2]);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST3_ADDR, data->dest.plane_addr[3]);
+static void dpu_hw_wb_setup_format(struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx,
+        struct dpu_hw_wb_cfg *data)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c = &ctx->hw;
+    const struct dpu_format *fmt = data->dest.format;
+    u32 dst_format, pattern, ystride0, ystride1, outsize, chroma_samp;
+    u32 write_config = 0;
+    u32 opmode = 0;
+    u32 dst_addr_sw = 0;
+    chroma_samp = fmt->chroma_sample;
+    dst_format = (chroma_samp << 23) |
+        (fmt->fetch_planes << 19) |
+        (fmt->bits[C3_ALPHA] << 6) |
+        (fmt->bits[C2_R_Cr] << 4) |
+        (fmt->bits[C1_B_Cb] << 2) |
+        (fmt->bits[C0_G_Y] << 0);
+    if (fmt->bits[C3_ALPHA] || fmt->alpha_enable) {
+        dst_format |= BIT(8); /* DSTC3_EN */
+        if (!fmt->alpha_enable ||
+            !(ctx->caps->features & BIT(DPU_WB_PIPE_ALPHA)))
+            dst_format |= BIT(14); /* DST_ALPHA_X */
+    }
+    pattern = (fmt->element[3] << 24) |
+        (fmt->element[2] << 16) |
+        (fmt->element[1] << 8)  |
+        (fmt->element[0] << 0);
+    dst_format |= (fmt->unpack_align_msb << 18) |
+        (fmt->unpack_tight << 17) |
+        ((fmt->unpack_count - 1) << 12) |
+        ((fmt->bpp - 1) << 9);
+    ystride0 = data->dest.plane_pitch[0] |
+        (data->dest.plane_pitch[1] << 16);
+    ystride1 = data->dest.plane_pitch[2] |
+    (data->dest.plane_pitch[3] << 16);
+    if (drm_rect_height(&data->roi) && drm_rect_width(&data->roi))
+        outsize = (drm_rect_height(&data->roi) << 16) | drm_rect_width(&data->roi);
+    else
+        outsize = (data->dest.height << 16) | data->dest.width;
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_FORMAT, dst_format);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_OP_MODE, opmode);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_YSTRIDE0, ystride0);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_YSTRIDE1, ystride1);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_OUT_SIZE, outsize);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_WRITE_CONFIG, write_config);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DST_ADDR_SW_STATUS, dst_addr_sw);
+static void dpu_hw_wb_roi(struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx, struct dpu_hw_wb_cfg *wb)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c = &ctx->hw;
+    u32 image_size, out_size, out_xy;
+    image_size = (wb->dest.height << 16) | wb->dest.width;
+    out_xy = 0;
+    out_size = (drm_rect_height(&wb->roi) << 16) | drm_rect_width(&wb->roi);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_OUT_IMAGE_SIZE, image_size);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_OUT_XY, out_xy);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_OUT_SIZE, out_size);
+static void dpu_hw_wb_setup_qos_lut(struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx,
+        struct dpu_hw_wb_qos_cfg *cfg)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c = &ctx->hw;
+    u32 qos_ctrl = 0;
+    if (!ctx || !cfg)
+        return;
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_DANGER_LUT, cfg->danger_lut);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_SAFE_LUT, cfg->safe_lut);
+    if (ctx->caps && test_bit(DPU_WB_QOS_8LVL, &ctx->caps->features)) {
+        DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_CREQ_LUT_0, cfg->creq_lut);
+        DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_CREQ_LUT_1, cfg->creq_lut >> 32);
+    }
+    if (cfg->danger_safe_en)
+        qos_ctrl |= WB_QOS_CTRL_DANGER_SAFE_EN;
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_QOS_CTRL, qos_ctrl);
+static void dpu_hw_wb_setup_cdp(struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx,
+        struct dpu_hw_wb_cdp_cfg *cfg)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c;
+    u32 cdp_cntl = 0;
+    if (!ctx || !cfg)
+        return;
+    c = &ctx->hw;
+    if (cfg->enable)
+        cdp_cntl |= BIT(0);
+    if (cfg->ubwc_meta_enable)
+        cdp_cntl |= BIT(1);
+    if (cfg->preload_ahead == DPU_WB_CDP_PRELOAD_AHEAD_64)
+        cdp_cntl |= BIT(3);
+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_CDP_CNTL, cdp_cntl);

I thought for a moment if we can unify these several functions with SSPP code. Most probably we can, but I'm not sure that it make sense.

I understand why you might think that way. Some bitfields in the register have the same name.

Yes. I was looking at the way the DS and SSPP share the scaler code. So came the idea of sharing the CDP.

Both SSPP and WB do have CDP_CNTL but with some different bit definitions and ofcourse the register offsets are different.

So I think we are better off them being separate right now.

Agree. Let's land this code first. Later we can check it would make sense to unify the ops or not.

+static void dpu_hw_wb_bind_pingpong_blk(
+        struct dpu_hw_wb *ctx,
+        bool enable, const enum dpu_pingpong pp)
+    struct dpu_hw_blk_reg_map *c;
+    int mux_cfg = 0xF;
+    if (!ctx)
+        return;
+    c = &ctx->hw;
+    if (enable)
+        mux_cfg = (pp - PINGPONG_0) & 0x7;

Just noticed that dpu_hw_intf_bind_pingpong_blk() keeps higher bits rather than setting them to 0. Which policy should we follow here?
Yes correct. I can also preserve the upper bits here while posting the next version.

Thank you!

+    DPU_REG_WRITE(c, WB_MUX, mux_cfg);

With best wishes

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