Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] drm: Add GPU reset sysfs event

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On 2022-03-10 11:21, Sharma, Shashank wrote:

On 3/10/2022 4:24 PM, Rob Clark wrote:
On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 1:55 AM Christian König
<ckoenig.leichtzumerken@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Am 09.03.22 um 19:12 schrieb Rob Clark:
On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 11:40 PM Shashank Sharma
<contactshashanksharma@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Shashank Sharma <shashank.sharma@xxxxxxx>

This patch adds a new sysfs event, which will indicate
the userland about a GPU reset, and can also provide
some information like:
- process ID of the process involved with the GPU reset
- process name of the involved process
- the GPU status info (using flags)

This patch also introduces the first flag of the flags
bitmap, which can be appended as and when required.
Why invent something new, rather than using the already existing devcoredump?
Yeah, that's a really valid question.

I don't think we need (or should encourage/allow) something drm
specific when there is already an existing solution used by both drm
and non-drm drivers.  Userspace should not have to learn to support
yet another mechanism to do the same thing.
Question is how is userspace notified about new available core dumps?
I haven't looked into it too closely, as the CrOS userspace
crash-reporter already had support for devcoredump, so it "just
worked" out of the box[1].  I believe a udev event is what triggers
the crash-reporter to go read the devcore dump out of sysfs.
I had a quick look at the devcoredump code, and it doesn't look like 
that is sending an event to the user, so we still need an event to 
indicate a GPU reset.
- Shashank

Another point I raised in another thread is that it looks like we might want to use devcoredump during ASIC reset to dump more HW related data which is useful for debugging. It means the use client will have to extract the pid and process name out from a bigger data set - Is that ok ? We can probably put it at the beginning
for easiest parsing.



[1] One small change to allow-list the drm/msm devcore dumps was
needed after a privacy review/audit of what is contained in the GPU
devcored to ensure it does not contain any PII .. for CrOS on amd
devices I'd be happy to walk whoever deals with amd CrOS devices
through the process offline.



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