On 11/15/21 3:38 AM, Daniel Thompson wrote:
Thanks for the fixes. Just a could of quibbles about full
drivers/video/backlight/ili922x.c | 29 ++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
--- linux-next-20211102.orig/drivers/video/backlight/ili922x.c
+++ linux-next-20211102/drivers/video/backlight/ili922x.c
- * CHECK_FREQ_REG(spi_device s, spi_transfer x) - Check the frequency
- * for the SPI transfer. According to the datasheet, the controller
- * accept higher frequency for the GRAM transfer, but it requires
+ * CHECK_FREQ_REG() - Check the frequency for the SPI transfer
+ * According to the datasheet, the controller
+ * accepts higher frequency for the GRAM transfer, but it requires
Also missing the full stop/period in the first sentence of the summary.
Note that here the missing full stop does not benefit from a new line to
conceal it and we will generate bad text as a result.
Check the frequency for the SPI transfer According to the data
sheet, the controller accepts...
Got it. I'll send a v2.