RE: [RFC v1 0/4] drm: Add support for DRM_CAP_DEFERRED_OUT_FENCE capability

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Hi Daniel,

> > > > By separating the OUT_FENCE signalling from pageflip completion allows
> > > > a Guest compositor to start a new repaint cycle with a new buffer
> > > > instead of waiting for the old buffer to be free.
> > > >
> > > > This work is based on the idea/suggestion from Simon and Pekka.
> > > >
> > > > This capability can be a solution for this issue:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Corresponding Weston MR:
> > > >
> > >
> > > Uh I kinda wanted to discuss this a bit more before we jump into typing
> > > code, but well I guess not that much work yet.
> > [Kasireddy, Vivek] Right, it wasn't a lot of work :)
> >
> > >
> > > So maybe I'm not understanding the problem, but I think the fundamental
> > > underlying issue is that with KMS you can have at most 2 buffers
> > > in-flight, due to our queue depth limit of 1 pending flip.
> > [Kasireddy, Vivek] Let me summarize the problem again from the perspective of
> > both the Host (Weston) and Guest (Weston) compositors assuming a refresh-rate
> > of 60 -- which implies the Vblank/Vsync is generated every ~16.66 ms.
> > Host compositor:
> > - After a pageflip completion event, it starts its next repaint cycle by waiting for 9 ms
> > and then submits the atomic commit and at the tail end of its cycle sends a frame
> callback
> > event to all its clients (who registered and submitted frames) indicating to them to
> > start their next redraw  -- giving them at-least ~16 ms to submit a new frame to be
> > included in its next repaint. Why a configurable 9 ms delay is needed is explained
> > in Pekka's blog post here:
> >
> >
> > - It'll send a wl_buffer.release event for a client submitted previous buffer only
> > when the client has submitted a new buffer and:
> > a) When it hasn't started its repaint cycle yet OR
> > b) When it clears its old state after it gets a pageflip completion event -- if it had
> > flipped the client's buffer onto a hardware plane.
> >
> > Guest compositor:
> > - After a pageflip completion is sent by Guest KMS, it takes about 10-12 ms for the
> > Guest compositor to submit a new atomic commit. This time of 10-12 ms includes the
> > 9 ms wait -- just like the Host compositor -- for its clients to submit new buffers.
> > - When it gets a pageflip completion, it assumes that the previously submitted buffer
> > is free for re-use and uses it again -- resulting in the usage of only 2 out of a maximum
> > of 4 backbuffers included as part of the Mesa GBM surface implementation.
> >
> > Guest KMS/Virtio-gpu/Qemu Wayland UI:
> > - Because no_vblank=true for Guest KMS and since the vblank event (which also serves
> > as the pageflip completion event for user-space) is sent right away after atomic commit,
> > as Gerd said, we use an internal dma-fence to block/wait the Guest KMS until we know
> for
> > sure that the Host is completely done using the buffer. To ensure this, we signal the
> dma-fence
> > only after the Host compositor sends a wl_buffer.release event or an equivalent signal.
> >
> > The goal:
> > - Maintain full framerate even when the Guest scanout FB is flipped onto a hardware
> plane
> > on the Host -- regardless of either compositor's scheduling policy -- without making any
> > copies and ensuring that both Host and Guest are not accessing the buffer at the same
> time.
> >
> > The problem:
> > - If the Host compositor flips the client's buffer (in this case Guest compositor's buffer)
> > onto a hardware plane, then it can send a wl_buffer.release event for the previous buffer
> > only after it gets a pageflip completion. And, if the Guest compositor takes 10-12 ms to
> > submit a new buffer and given the fact that the Host compositor waits only for 9 ms, the
> > Guest compositor will miss the Host's repaint cycle resulting in halved frame-rate.
> >
> > The solution:
> > - To ensure full framerate, the Guest compositor has to start it's repaint cycle (including
> > the 9 ms wait) when the Host compositor sends the frame callback event to its clients.
> > In order for this to happen, the dma-fence that the Guest KMS waits on -- before sending
> > pageflip completion -- cannot be tied to a wl_buffer.release event. This means that, the
> > Guest compositor has to be forced to use a new buffer for its next repaint cycle when it
> > gets a pageflip completion.
> Is that really the only solution?
[Kasireddy, Vivek] There are a few others I mentioned here:
But I think none of them are as compelling as this one.

> If we fix the event timestamps so that both guest and host use the same
> timestamp, but then the guest starts 5ms (or something like that) earlier,
> then things should work too? I.e.
> - host compositor starts at (previous_frametime + 9ms)
> - guest compositor starts at (previous_frametime + 4ms)
> Ofc this only works if the frametimes we hand out to both match _exactly_
> and are as high-precision as the ones on the host side. Which for many gpu
> drivers at least is the case, and all the ones you care about for sure :-)
> But if the frametimes the guest receives are the no_vblank fake ones, then
> they'll be all over the place and this carefully tuned low-latency redraw
> loop falls apart. Aside fromm the fact that without tuning the guests to
> be earlier than the hosts, you're guaranteed to miss every frame (except
> when the timing wobbliness in the guest is big enough by chance to make
> the deadline on the oddball frame).
[Kasireddy, Vivek] The Guest and Host use different event timestamps as we don't
share these between the Guest and the Host. It does not seem to be causing any other
problems so far but we did try the experiment you mentioned (i.e., adjusting the delays)
and it works. However, this patch series is meant to fix the issue without having to tweak
anything (delays) because we can't do this for every compositor out there.

> > - The Weston MR I linked above does this by getting an out_fence fd and taking a
> reference
> > on all the FBs included in the atomic commit forcing the compositor to use new FBs for
> its
> > next repaint cycle. It releases the references when the out_fence is signalled later when
> > the Host compositor sends a wl_buffer.release event.
> >
> > >
> > > Unfortunately that means for virtual hw where it takes a few more
> > > steps/vblanks until the framebuffer actually shows up on screen and is
> > > scanned out, we suffer deeply. The usual fix for that is to drop the
> > > latency and increase throughput, and have more buffers in-flight. Which
> > > this patch tries to do.
> > >
> > > Now I think where we go wrong here is that we're trying to hack this up by
> > > defining different semantics for the out-fence and for the drm-event. Imo
> > > that's wrong, they're both meant to show eactly the same thing:
> > > - when is the new frame actually visible to the user (as in, eyeballs in a
> > >   human head, preferrably, not the time when we've handed the buffer off
> > >   to the virtual hw)
> > > - when is the previous buffer no longer being used by the scanout hw
> > [Kasireddy, Vivek] Right, they both mean the same thing but I think using both
> > at the same time would be redundant in the case of Weston. That's why I am trying
> > to repurpose the usage of out_fence in this case by introducing a new capability
> > that may not be relevant for bare-metal KMS drivers but would be useful for
> > virtual KMS drivers.
> >
> > >
> > > We do cheat a bit right now in so far that we assume they're both the
> > > same, as in, panel-side latency is currently the compositor's problem to
> > > figure out.
> > >
> > > So for virtual hw I think the timestamp and even completion really need to
> > > happen only when the buffer has been pushed through the entire
> > > virtualization chain, i.e. ideally we get the timestamp from the kms
> > > driver from the host side. Currently that's not done, so this is most
> > > likely quite broken already (virtio relies on the no-vblank auto event
> > > sending, which definitely doesn't wait for anything, or I'm completely
> > > missing something).
> > [Kasireddy, Vivek] You are right; virtio_gpu does use the no_vblank auto event but
> > as I mentioned above we do use an internal dma-fence to wait until the submitted
> > buffer is no longer used by the Host. In other words, we wait (in update_planes hook)
> > until we get an appropriate signal from the Host to proceed to make sure that we are
> > not rendering faster than what the Host can display.
> Yeah that internal dma_fence really should be the flip completion event
> too. That's how this uapi is supposed to work.
> Once you have that then maybe weston magically works because it realizes
> that it misses the frames it's aiming for. Or at least there will be debug
> output about that I hope (I'm not sure the auto-tuning works/exists).
[Kasireddy, Vivek] Even if we send the flip completion event from the driver instead of
the DRM core, I don't think it'll make any difference. The only advantage I can see is
that the driver would be in control of both the event and the out_fence and can leverage
it for this specific use-case.

> > However, as you suggest below, we could set no_vblank=false and send the vblank/
> > pageflip completion event from the virtio-gpu driver instead of having the DRM
> > core send it. This can prevent the DRM core from signalling the out_fence as well
> > which is my intended objective and what my first patch tries to do. I'd still need the
> > new capability though to include the patch in Weston that deals with out_fence --
> > unless Weston upstream can accept the patch after reviewing it without this newly
> > added capability which would be redundant but it does solve my problem. Would
> > this be acceptable?
> out fence and flip completion event are exactly the same thing
> semantically. Well, before your patch here at least. So if you fix up the
> internal crtc->event handling then you fix up both. That's very much by
> design, because otherwise we'd have a bunch of kms drivers that only work
> on Android (which uses out-fence), and the others only work on dekstop
> linux (which uses flip completion drm_event). And probably very few that
> support both.
[Kasireddy, Vivek] Hmm, I think I see your point. If a Guest exclusively uses 
either out_fence or drm event, then this idea wont work because I am trying to
create a distinction between the two to mean: repaint when you get pageflip 
completion and just drop references when an out_fence is signalled. However,
looking at the code in drm_send_event_helper(), I see that the out_fence is
signaled only if the userspace subscribed for an event. Can the out_fence be
signaled without a corresponding drm event?

> > > I think instead of hacking up some ill-defined 1.5 queue depth support,
> > > what we should do is support queue depth > 1 properly. So:
> > >
> > > - Change atomic to support queue depth > 1, this needs to be a per-driver
> > >   thing due to a bunch of issues in driver code. Essentially drivers must
> > >   never look at obj->state pointers, and only ever look up state through
> > >   the passed-in drm_atomic_state * update container.
> > >
> > > - Aside: virtio should loose all it's empty hooks, there's no point in
> > >   that.
> > >
> > > - We fix virtio to send out the completion event at the end of this entire
> > >   pipeline, i.e. virtio code needs to take care of sending out the
> > >   crtc_state->event correctly.
> > >
> > > - We probably also want some kind of (maybe per-crtc) recommended queue
> > >   depth property so compositors know how many buffers to keep in flight.
> > >   Not sure about that.
> > >
> > > It's a bit more work, but also a lot less hacking around infrastructure in
> > > dubious ways.
> > >
> > > Thoughts?
> > [Kasireddy, Vivek] IIUC, you are suggesting that we should make it possible to
> > submit a new atomic commit even though the completion event for the previous
> > one has not come in yet. This may potentially solve my problem but it sounds very
> > disruptive and not very useful for bare-metal cases. It also means that the compositors,
> > DRM core and the drivers need to keep track of multiple states -- as opposed to new and
> > old -- for all objects such as crtcs, planes, etc and account for multiple completion
> events.
> > I guess it is doable but as you suggest it seems like a lot of work with many pitfalls
> ahead.
> Queue deeper than 1 has been an eventual goal for atomic since the start,
> we simply didn't get around to it.
> All the state handling and helpers are built to support that (but there
> could be more bugs). The only rule drivers must follow is that in their
> atomic_commit code they never look at the various obj->state pointers
> (like drm_crtc->state), since that might be the state of a subsequent
> commit. Instead they must only get the state through the drm_atomic_state
> structure. We've recently also updated all the helpers to pass that around
> everywhere (for other reasons), so the challenge here is only to fix up
> individual drivers. And maybe come up with some debug checks to make the
> obj->state pointers aren't used in atomic_commit.
[Kasireddy, Vivek] Ok, if a significant amount of preparatory work has already
been done, then your suggestion to increase the queue depth does not sound
that onerous though.

> From a design pov I think your approach of hacking up the event machinery
> to slip in 2 commits while not actually using the 2 deep queue stuff like
> it's meant to be is much worse.
> On the userspace side I'm not sure why you need to keep track of more
> state. All you need to keep track is of more buffers in your retire/reuse
> list, but you have to do that with your proposal here too. So no
> difference at all there.
> Anyway it sounds like if the guest compositor would adjust it's deadline
> so that the guest and host compositor interleave correctly, then we should
> still be able to hit full refresh rate without a deeper queue. Has that
> been looked into?
[Kasireddy, Vivek] Yeah, as I mentioned above, that was the first thing we 
tried and it worked (i.e., we get full frame-rate). But it obviously is not a 
solution that'll work for all Guest compositors as their scheduling policies
may not be tweakable.

It sounds like you are recommending the queue depth increase as the only
viable solution. We'd look into that but I am unable to see a clear picture in
terms of how it would play out with the Guest compositor. A Guest compositor
starts its repaint cycle after it gets a pageflip completion or an out_fence signal;
if it determines that the latency is high, then it can try to increase the queue depth
by submitting atomic commits without waiting for the pageflip completion/
out_fence. Once it starts doing this, I am wondering when it can repaint again 
given that there will be multiple completion events coming in. Should there be 
separate events for vblank (to mean start repaint with new buffer) and pageflip 
completion (to mean drop references to old FBs)? And, as I mentioned earlier, 
the Guest compositor has to start its repaint cycle when the Host compositor
sends a frame callback event otherwise it won't work.


> -Daniel
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vivek
> > >
> > > Cheers, Daniel
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Cc: Daniel Vetter <daniel@xxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Pekka Paalanen <ppaalanen@xxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Simon Ser <contact@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Michel Dänzer <michel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Tina Zhang <tina.zhang@xxxxxxxxx>
> > > > Cc: Dongwon Kim <>
> > > >
> > > > Vivek Kasireddy (4):
> > > >   drm: Add a capability flag to support deferred out_fence signalling
> > > >   virtio-gpu uapi: Add VIRTIO_GPU_F_OUT_FENCE feature
> > > >   drm/virtio: Add VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_OUT_FENCE cmd
> > > >   drm/virtio: Probe and implement VIRTIO_GPU_F_OUT_FENCE feature
> > > >
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_file.c               | 11 +++---
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/drm_ioctl.c              |  3 ++
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_debugfs.c |  1 +
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_drv.c     |  1 +
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_drv.h     |  6 ++++
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_fence.c   |  9 +++++
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_kms.c     | 10 ++++--
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_plane.c   | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++-
> > > >  drivers/gpu/drm/virtio/virtgpu_vq.c      | 17 +++++++++
> > > >  include/drm/drm_mode_config.h            |  9 +++++
> > > >  include/uapi/drm/drm.h                   |  1 +
> > > >  include/uapi/linux/virtio_gpu.h          | 12 +++++++
> > > >  12 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > 2.30.2
> > > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Daniel Vetter
> > > Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
> > >
> --
> Daniel Vetter
> Software Engineer, Intel Corporation

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