On 5/2/21 13:28, Yukimasa Sugizaki wrote:
On 05/02/2021, Eric Anholt <eric@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 10:09 AM Chema Casanova <jmcasanova@xxxxxxxxxx>
On 3/9/20 18:48, Yukimasa Sugizaki wrote:
From: Yukimasa Sugizaki <ysugi@xxxxxxxx>
The default timeout is 500 ms which is too short for some workloads
including Piglit. Adding this parameter will help users to run heavier
Signed-off-by: Yukimasa Sugizaki <ysugi@xxxxxxxx>
drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c | 24 +++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
index feef0c749e68..983efb018560 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
@@ -19,11 +19,17 @@
#include <linux/kthread.h>
+#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include "v3d_drv.h"
#include "v3d_regs.h"
#include "v3d_trace.h"
+static uint timeout = 500;
+module_param(timeout, uint, 0444);
+ "Timeout for a job in ms (0 means infinity and default is 500
I think that parameter definition could be included at v3d_drv.c as
other drivers do. Then we would have all future parameters together. In
that case we would need also to include the extern definition at
v3d_drv.h for the driver variable.
The param name could be more descriptive like "sched_timeout_ms" in the
lima driver.
I wonder if it would make sense to have different timeouts parameters
for different type of jobs we have. At least this series come from the
need additional time to complete compute jobs. This is what amdgpu does,
but we probably don't need something such complex.
I think it would also make sense to increase our default value for the
compute jobs.
What do you think?
In any case I think that having this general scheduling timeout
parameter as other drivers do is a good idea.
I agree with your observations.
I'm going to add bin_timeout_ms, render_timeout_ms, tfu_timeout_ms,
v3d_timeout_ms, and cache_clean_timeout_ms parameters to v3d_drv.c
instead of the sole timeout parameter.
Though not sophisticated, this should be enough.
Having a param for being able to test if the job completes eventually
is a good idea, but if tests are triggering timeouts, then you
probably need to investigate what's going on in the driver -- it's not
like you want .5second unpreemptible jobs to be easy to produce.
Also, for CS, I wonder if we have another reg besides CSD_CURRENT_CFG4
we could be looking at for "we're making progress on the job". Half a
second with no discernible progress sounds like a bug.
If binning/render/TFU/cache_clean jobs keep running over 0.5 seconds,
then it should be a bug because they normally complete processing
within the period.
However, a CSD job can do anything.
For example, SaschaWillems's ray tracing example requires about 0.7
seconds to compose a frame with compute shader with Igalia's Vulkan
I've been checking the values of the registers with SaschaWillems
computeraytracing on job submission, timeout evaluation and job destroy.
The driver detects progress. CSD_CURRENT_CFG4 values are decreased as
expected based in the number of pending batches. Next debug info starts
with 262144 - 1, and we can see it ends with 0xfffffffff. So, I think
that using CSD_CURRENT_CFG4 is working as expected. We could see also
that CSD_CURRENT_ID0 and CSD_CURRENT_ID1 could also be used to track
progress as we see how values are changing for X, Y and Z component of
current workgroup ID. But comparisons on CSD_CURRENT_CFG4 are simpler.
10661.766782] [drm] CSD launched: timeout_batches (0x00000000) | cfg4
(0x0003fff9) | id0 (0x00000080) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000056)
[10662.272345] [drm] CSD timeout check: timeout_batches (0x00000000) ->
cfg4 (0x0002dfaf) | id0 (0x00050000) | id1 (0x00000024) | status
[10662.792324] [drm] CSD timeout check: timeout_batches (0x0002dfaf) ->
cfg4 (0x00018c1f) | id0 (0x003e0000) | id1 (0x0000004e) | status
[10663.302350] [drm] CSD timeout check: timeout_batches (0x00018c1f) ->
cfg4 (0x0000724f) | id0 (0x005b0000) | id1 (0x00000071) | status
[10663.487139] [drm] CSD free: timeout_batches (0x0000724f) -> cfg4
(0xffffffff) | id0 (0x00000000) | id1 (0x00010000) | status (0x00000060)
Another example is our matrix computation library for QPU:
It requires about 1.1 seconds to multiply two 2048x2048 matrices.
Because in general we do not know what is the expected behavior of a
QPU program and what is not, we also cannot detect a progress the
program is making.
This is why we want to have the timeout parameters to be able to be modified.
In case of qmkl6, all jobs are launched with CSD_CURRENT_CFG4 is
initialized as 7 (Number of batches minus 1) so when the job starts, all
the batches are on execution. So, the HW cannot report any progress, and
CFG4 reports that there are no pending batches queued with ~0.
This is the trace of v3d_submit_csd_ioctl calls showing CFG4.
sscal-qmkl6-26222 [002] .... 11978.399780: v3d_submit_csd_ioctl:
dev=1, CFG4 0x00000007, CFG5 0x00560000, CFG6 0x00280000
sscal-qmkl6-26222 [002] .... 11978.518960: v3d_submit_csd_ioctl:
dev=1, CFG4 0x00000007, CFG5 0x00560000, CFG6 0x00280000
Here is a example of the process finishing before reaching the timeout:
[10339.374376] [drm] CSD launched: timeout_batches (0x00000000) | cfg4
(0x00000001) | id0 (0x00080800) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000b34)
[10339.470097] [drm] CSD free: timeout_batches (0x00000000) -> cfg4
(0xffffffff) | id0 (0x00080800) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000b40)
Here is the example of a job that reaches the timeout and RESET:
[10339.980849] [drm] CSD launched: timeout_batches (0x00000000) | cfg4
(0x00000000) | id0 (0x00080800) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000b44)
[10340.497731] [drm] CSD timeout: timeout_batches (0x00000000) -> cfg4
(0xffffffff) | id0 (0x00080800) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000b44)
[10341.007815] [drm] CSD timeout RESET: timeout_batches (0xffffffff) |
cfg4 (0xffffffff) | id0 (0x00080800) | id1 (0x00000000) | status
[10341.008143] v3d fec00000.v3d: [drm:v3d_reset [v3d]] *ERROR* Resetting
GPU for hang.
[10341.008241] v3d fec00000.v3d: [drm:v3d_reset [v3d]] *ERROR*
V3D_ERR_STAT: 0x00001000
[10341.008311] [drm] Skipping CSD job resubmission due to previous error
[10341.008375] [drm] CSD free: timeout_batches (0xffffffff) -> cfg4
(0x00000000) | id0 (0x00000000) | id1 (0x00000000) | status (0x00000000)
In the general case we need at least to reach the timeout twice to reset
the GPU.
Jobs start with 0 on timeout_batches, then the value is updated to
0xffffffff and at next timeout evaluation there is no progress as all
batches have already been submitted. Then we reset the GPU.
I don't know if the algorithms in qmkl6 or py-videocore6 cannot be
launched using more batches. But if this is not the case adding the
timeout module parameter seems to be our first solution. It would
probably be enough adding a general timeout "timeout_ms" for debugging
any kind of job and a specific "csd_timeout_ms" that only applies to CSD
jobs and could be used by systems that need to execute this kind of
jobs. When the CSD timeout is reached we could probably notify with a
DRM_WARN suggesting increasing the csd_timeout.
Kind regards,
Chema Casanova
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