Re: Detached header creation confusion.

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On 16 Dec 2019 08:21 +0000, from bdbasstech@xxxxxxxxx (Aint Tellin):
> I am attempting to create a detached header in conjunction with a 1G offset. 
> The version of cryptsetup I am using is version 2.2.2. My kernel is 5.4.3
> What I expected: > detached header file "detached_header.img" on /dev/sda1 (mounted at /mnt)> luks protected data on /dev/sda1
> The command I used.> $cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sd2 --offset 2097152 --header /mnt/detached_header.img

Seems to work for me, with just a quick test using a sparse file
backing a loop device for a throwaway container, on an up-to-date
Debian 10/Buster with kernel version 4.19.67-2+deb10u2 and cryptsetup
version 2.1.0 (package version 2:2.1.0-5+deb10u2). Can you give
something like the below a try and let us know how it turns out?

-- cut --

# truncate -s 2G /tmp/user/0/d1
# losetup -f /tmp/user/0/d1
# losetup
/dev/loop0         0      0         0  0 /tmp/user/0/d1   0     512
# cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/loop0 --offset 2097152 --header /tmp/user/0/d1hdr

Header file does not exist, do you want to create it?

Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YES
Enter passphrase for /tmp/user/0/d1hdr: 
Verify passphrase: 
# file -s /dev/loop0
/dev/loop0: data
# file -s /tmp/user/0/d1hdr
/tmp/user/0/d1hdr: LUKS encrypted file, ver 2 [, , sha256] UUID: 7fd5ad0e-b41a-40d4-80ca-3c32d6934324
# cryptsetup luksDump /tmp/user/0/d1hdr
LUKS header information
Version:       	2
Epoch:         	3
Metadata area: 	16384 [bytes]
Keyslots area: 	134217728 [bytes]
UUID:          	7fd5ad0e-b41a-40d4-80ca-3c32d6934324
Label:         	(no label)
Subsystem:     	(no subsystem)
Flags:       	(no flags)

Data segments:
  0: crypt
	offset: 1073741824 [bytes]
	length: (whole device)
	cipher: aes-xts-plain64
	sector: 512 [bytes]

  0: luks2
	Key:        512 bits
	Priority:   normal
	Cipher:     aes-xts-plain64
	Cipher key: 512 bits
	PBKDF:      argon2i
	Time cost:  4
	Memory:     724521
	Threads:    4
	Salt:       37 de 46 94 4a c0 c5 15 03 0d 29 25 41 f7 90 1f 
	            6d 16 d0 4e 81 9d 96 f0 f2 bc e4 ff 0b 48 6c 5a 
	AF stripes: 4000
	AF hash:    sha256
	Area offset:32768 [bytes]
	Area length:258048 [bytes]
	Digest ID:  0
  0: pbkdf2
	Hash:       sha256
	Iterations: 75939
	Salt:       48 00 1f 93 a0 7b f4 c4 54 9c 25 a9 a1 6b 20 a6 
	            bf 4e bb 6d cb 66 9a 01 73 b4 ba 54 49 d6 3c 90 
	Digest:     80 4b 94 a0 50 c3 94 aa f8 46 20 7d 34 e1 df 60 
	            8e 84 3a 9c ab 01 98 c7 13 23 7a 6a 0b f5 d6 0d 
# cryptsetup luksDump /tmp/user/0/d1
Device /tmp/user/0/d1 is not a valid LUKS device.

-- cut --

Michael Kjörling • • michael@xxxxxxxxxxx
 “Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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