Hello list, I'm experimenting with LUKS on a Gentoo-Box. I luksFormat'ted the whole harddisk /dev/sda and luksOpen'ed as gentoo, so it appeared as /dev/mapper/gentoo. So far so good. When I use LVM and take it as a physical volume and set up VGs and LVs they appear in /dev/mapper automatically. But when trying to use normal partitions instead of LVM, parted can mklabel and mkpart but gets a warning that the new partitions are not known by the kernel and indeed, they don't appear in /dev/mapper. I need to run 'kpartx -av gentoo' that they appear in /dev/mapper and then they are normally usable. When trying to luksClose them after unmounting them they are 'still in use' until I make the kernel to forget them by 'kpartx -d /dev/mapper/gentoo'. So is using partitioning on fully encrypted harddisks not supported by LUKS at all? Or just a bug in the current version used by Gentoo which is 1.6.5? Thanks in advance ®ainer _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx http://www.saout.de/mailman/listinfo/dm-crypt