I apologize if this is an inappropriate place to post this question but I'm in a difficult spot and am hoping to find help or referrals to other sources. I've only recently encrypted my internal hard drive and my two externals, though not yet my netbook's. For the externals I used cryptsetup 1.4.3, the current version in the repositories (I'm on Kubuntu Raring). Things were working fine for a month or so. Then two days ago I had to reboot after some updates and KDEwallet gave me some error message I couldn't note down in time. I'd been meaning to switch the last few passwords over to KeePassX anyway, so I did that. But from that time on I've had trouble mounting the two external drives. Right now I'm unable to read either of them. Yet the internal drive, which I encrypted when I installed Kubuntu & LVM initially, has no problems. When the trouble first appeared I tried plugging the external drives into the netbook, which also has cryptsetup, though I've just noticed it seems to be still at 1.4.1. It claimed to be unable to mount the drives, but it let me access them, not just read but even delete one. So I breathed a sigh of relief and moved them back to the desktop, but now I can't get to them from either computer. Can anyone help me figure this out? I haven't tried any of the cryptsetup commands because I don't know the software well enough to know what to look for. If there's a better place me to ask this question please feel free to point me there so I won't take up your bandwidth unnecessarily. Thanks! - ced _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx http://www.saout.de/mailman/listinfo/dm-crypt