Yves, looking at your e-mail - maybe you can advice me weather and how should I send some info to debian team? I think some small warning or info could make a big difference for other people who might try to reattach their previously encrypted drive to a new debian install.
On 29 October 2011 10:15, Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On sam., 2011-10-29 at 07:14 +1300, Aleksander Swirski wrote:You said in the initial mail that you had some backup of the system but
> it's my largest drive, but I will put this one aside and use another
> computer. i was tired, when i did that, didn't have clear mind. now I have
> no idea, how possibly could I fix this, but it all happened because of some
> mental pressure I felt. so I guess, now it's time to chill out. anyway, i
> feel bit better because You People :) cared enough to inform me and tried to
> help me. it's greatly appreciated.
they were a bit old. Are those backup of encrypted or decrypted data? Is
there a chance you may have the luks header somehwere in your backups?
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