Dear Milan,
I use Ubuntu 8.10.
Why does the system not load the module automatically while booting.
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "Milan Broz" <mbroz@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Ali Reza Sajedi" <arsajedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: device-mapper problem
On 06/10/2010 11:31 AM, Ali Reza Sajedi wrote:
Hello All,
I have cryptsetup 1.1.2 installed.
Everytime after a new boot when I try to execute a cryptsetup command I
get the following error:
/proc/misc: No entry for device-mapper found
Is device-mapper driver missing from kernel?
Failaure to communicate with kernel device mapper driver.
The problem is solved after trying to load the module dm_mod with:
modprobe dm_mod
Inspite of loading the module this problem keeps coming with every
system booting.
The dm_mod module must be loaded before using DM devices, so probably
this is missing from initramdisk init? Depends on distro.
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