Hi, I just ran into this: On kernel cryptsetup 1.0.6 (from Debian stable) hangs on create after password entry. Strangely enough, a ctrl-c results in an unsable device. Seems to be fixed in 1.07 and the 1.07 package from Debian unstable works in stable, just manually download and install. Just to let you know. Arno -- Arno Wagner, Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Inform., CISSP -- Email: arno@xxxxxxxxxxx GnuPG: ID: 1E25338F FP: 0C30 5782 9D93 F785 E79C 0296 797F 6B50 1E25 338F ---- Cuddly UI's are the manifestation of wishful thinking. -- Dylan Evans If it's in the news, don't worry about it. The very definition of "news" is "something that hardly ever happens." -- Bruce Schneier _______________________________________________ dm-crypt mailing list dm-crypt@xxxxxxxx http://www.saout.de/mailman/listinfo/dm-crypt