due to a new workstation i decided to generate a dm-crypt partition on
top of a mdraid raid5 that consists on three hd each sized 750GB.
i did assemble the raid and, what i do know by now, made a mistake that maybe
is valid.
after the raid5 was created i did a
cryptsetup create sdraid /dev/md0
afterwards i entered my passphrase
this was followed by a
makefs.xfs for /dev/mapper/sdraid
when that was finished i did mount /dev/mapper/sdraid on /mnt/sdraid,
copied at least ~700GB data onto the mounted device.
on friday i had to reboot my pc due to a kernel reconfigure and had no
access anymore to my raid drive.
due to the fact, that my raid drive was ok - this info was taken from cat /proc/mdstat
i suggested the whole weekend how i could get back my data.
fdisk -l /dev/md0 brought up that there was no partition table at all
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/md0 sdraid
came up with a /dev/md0 is not a luks partition so no key found...
having read man pages over and over i try the way like i must have created
the array
cryptsetup sdraid /dev/md0
i was asked for my passphrase, and after that able to mount /dev/mapper/sdraid again
so my questions are:
1.) i did things wrong imho, but i think i do have a crypted raid array that also contains
a crypted partition table, is that right?
2.) can i keep this array in described state or do i have to backup data and recreate
the crypted stuff with cryptsetup luksFormat?
3.) is my data really encrypted? :)
thanks in advance for answers
i am a bit confused atm
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