Zambezi wrote:
I'm trying to mount a LUKS-harddrive, but I'm getting this error both
with Dapper and Feisty (Ubuntu).
cryptsetup-luks 1.0.3
Command for mounting and errormessages
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hde 32001
/dev/hde is not a LUKS partition
Also tried with:
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/hde
/dev/hde is not a LUKS partition
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/hde1
Can't open device: /dev/hde1
You say you are mounting a hard drive. It is usual for a hard drive to have a
partition table. Trying to mount /dev/hde suggests you think there is no
partition table. If you are not sure then use cfdisk (or fdisk) to find out.
Are you sure it's /dev/hde?
You can use
cryptsetup isLuks <device>
to find if the partition is a Luks partition. That essentially looks at the
header in the first blocks of the partition to see if it is correct format.
The bad news is if you have lost the Luks header then you have lost all the data
on your drives because you no longer have the encryption key.
Have you done anything with your HDD which may have overwritten the beginning of
the drive or partition table?
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