I'm trying to mount a LUKS-harddrive, but I'm getting this error both
with Dapper and Feisty (Ubuntu).
cryptsetup-luks 1.0.3
Command for mounting and errormessages
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hde 32001
/dev/hde is not a LUKS partition
Also tried with:
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/hde
/dev/hde is not a LUKS partition
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/hde1
Can't open device: /dev/hde1
sudo cryptsetup luksDump /dev/hdc give me alot of information
sudo hdparm -I /dev/hde says checksum is okay
sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hde /mnt/32001 - says wrong fs for example
I'm devastated. This is a nightmare cause my harddrive for documents,
pictures, logfiles from scuba diving etc. It's a disaster if it's gone.
Feel from to look after me at the IRC-network Freenode. My nick is
Zambezi and I'm in #ubuntu-se for example. My language is Swedish, but
English is okay too. Or answer me here. I really need these files.
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