It would be nice if lukes had an easy header backup function like TrueCrypt does. On 3/7/07, Sebastian Bork <bork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To update you about my troubles ... if someone is interested at all: I did it! By assembling an array md0 of one disk (snapshot of the data, but some weeks old), activating vg0, copying 132096 bytes from the beginning of /dev/vg0/crypt on a USB stick, booting into an initrd shell, copying those 132096 bytes to the beginning of the volume containing the up-to-date data and then using cryptsetup luksOpen I managed to decrypt the master key (which was in the data copied) and to open the volume. A vgchange -a y vg1 later I had all my logical volumes back, with the up-to-date data, not the stuff that was weeks old. Now I need some sleep. And after that a better backup concept. Thank you for listening. --------------------------------------------------------------------- dm-crypt mailing list - To unsubscribe, e-mail: dm-crypt-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxx For additional commands, e-mail: dm-crypt-help@xxxxxxxx
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