On 07/03/2025 14:52, Francesco Dolcini wrote: > + wlf,in1l-as-dmicdat1: > + type: boolean > + description: > + Use IN1L/DMICDAT1 as DMICDAT1, enabling the DMIC input path. > + > + wlf,in1r-as-dmicdat2: > + type: boolean > + description: > + Use IN1R/DMICDAT2 as DMICDAT2, enabling the DMIC input path. > + > + wlf,gpio-cfg: > + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array > + minItems: 4 > + maxItems: 4 > + description: > + Default register values for R121/122/123/124 (GPIO Control). > + If any entry has the value 0xFFFF, the related register won't be set. > + default: [0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF] > + > + wlf,mic-cfg: Isn't this the same as wlf,micbias-cfg from wm8994? If property matches, just use the same. Best regards, Krzysztof