Re: [v2,2/2] dt-bindings: memory-controllers: Add MediaTek DRAM controller interface

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On 06/02/2025 13:16, Crystal Guo wrote:
> A MediaTek DRAM controller interface to provide the current DDR data rate.

Please wrap commit message according to Linux coding style / submission
process (neither too early nor over the limit):

> Signed-off-by: Crystal Guo <crystal.guo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
>  .../mediatek,common-dramc.yaml                | 129 ------------------

Why is there removal here if you add? Commit msg explains nothing here.

Why this patch was sent twice?

Please use standard email subjects, so with the PATCH keyword in the
title. `git format-patch -vX` helps here to create proper versioned
patches. Another useful tool is b4. Skipping the PATCH keyword makes
filtering of emails more difficult thus making the review process less

Best regards,

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