Re: [PATCH 3/4] arm64: dts: add support for A4 based Amlogic BA400

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Hi Jerome,
    Thanks for your reply.

On 2024/3/14 17:26, Jerome Brunet wrote:

On Thu 14 Mar 2024 at 16:08, Xianwei Zhao <xianwei.zhao@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

+#include "amlogic-a4.dtsi"
Could you describe how the a4 and a5 differs from each other ?
The description given in the commit description is the same.
Beside the a53 vs a55, I'm not seeing much of a difference.
Admittedly, there is not much yet but I wonder if a4 and a5 should have
a common dtsi.

They are mostly the same, A5 include HiFi-DSP and NPU, but A4 is not. And
some peripheral modules are different, such as SPI and Ehernet phy.

I would like to wait for the follow-on chips to come out before considering
a merger with common dtsi file.

No, Please do it now. There is no reason for the community to review the
same thing twice if the SoCs are "mostly the same".

OK, I will do it.
+/ {
+     model = "Amlogic A113L2 ba400 Development Board";
+     compatible = "amlogic,ba400","amlogic,a4";
+     interrupt-parent = <&gic>;
+     #address-cells = <2>;
+     #size-cells = <2>;
+     aliases {
+             serial0 = &uart_b;
+     };
+     memory@0 {
+             device_type = "memory";
+             reg = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x40000000>;
+     };
+     reserved-memory {
+             #address-cells = <2>;
+             #size-cells = <2>;
+             ranges;
+             /* 52 MiB reserved for ARM Trusted Firmware */
That's a lot of memory to blindly reserve.
Any chance we can stop doing that and have u-boot amend reserved memory
zone based on the actual needs of the device ?
Yes. U-boot will change size of reserved memory base on actual usage.
Then u-boot should add (not change) the memory if necessary.
Please drop this.

Amlogic's u-boot will change the reserved memory size, size is not an issue. But Some one use u-boot himself not Amlogic's, If here drop this, there is a strange problem when it runs.
+             secmon_reserved:linux,secmon {
+                     compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
+                     no-map;
+                     alignment = <0x0 0x400000>;
+                     reg = <0x0 0x05000000 0x0 0x3400000>;
+             };
+     };

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