On 19/01/2024 11:06, Tengfei Fan wrote: > Document QCM8550, QCS8550 SoC and the AIM300 AIoT board bindings. > QCS8550 and QCM8550 processor combines powerful computing, extreme edge > AI processing, Wi-Fi 7, and robust video and graphics for a wide range > of use cases for the Internet of Things (IoT). QCS8550 is a QCS version > for QCM8550. Modem RF only in QCM8550 but not in QCS8550. > AIM300 Series is a highly optimized family of modules designed to > support AIoT applications. The module is mounted onto Qualcomm AIoT > carrier board to support verification, evaluation and development. It > integrates QCS8550 SoC, UFS and PMIC chip etc. > AIM stands for Artificial Intelligence Module. AIoT stands for AI IoT. > > Reviewed-by: Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzysztof.kozlowski@xxxxxxxxxx> I want to unreview it. Please fix your commit msg to drop marketing and instead describe the SoC. I don't see for example any explanation why there is qcm8550 and sm8550. Aren't they the same? Best regards, Krzysztof