On 16/04/2022 14:07, Peter Geis wrote: >>> + dc_12v: dc-12v { >> >> Generic node name, so "regulator" or "regulator-0" > > Unfortunately, this advice breaks the regulator-fixed driver, which it > seems cannot cope with a bunch of nodes all named "regulator". What exactly cannot cope? You cannot have different device nodes with the same name but this is not a limitation of regulator but devicetree spec. > Setting the regulators as regulator-0 -1 -2 leads to fun issues where > the regulator numbering in the kernel doesn't match the node numbers. There are no "node numbers"... maybe you mean unit addresses? But there are none here. > It also makes it more fun when additional regulators need to be added > and everything gets shuffled around. Usually adding - in subsequent DTS files - means increasing the numbers so if you have regulator-[012] then just use regulator-[345] in other files. I see potential mess when you combine several DTSI files, each defining regulators, so in such case "some-name-regulator" (or reversed) is also popular approach. > If naming these uniquely to avoid confusion and collisions is such an > issue, why is it not caught by make W=1 dtbs_check? Patches are welcome. :) Best regards, Krzysztof