Re: [PATCH] dt-bindings: net: dsa: realtek-smi: convert to YAML schema

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On 1/29/2022 12:52 PM, Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca wrote:
Why not turn realtek-smi.yaml into realtek.yaml which would also contain
information for the mdio interface? The things different with using MDIO
are that we don't use the [mdc,mdio,reset]-gpios properties and don't
handle the PHYs to the DSA ports. Couldn't you present these differences
on a single YAML file?
Hello, Arinç

realtek-mdio is an mdio driver with a couple of less properties. They
do share a lot of stuff. But I don't know if I can fit the schema
validation into a single file.
YAML files are not simply documentation. They are used to validate DTS
files. But that's still off-topic. Let's finish SMI version first and
then discuss
if the MDIO version should be standalone or merged with SMI.
Your YAML file can cover both types of electrical bus, what you are 
defining is the layout and the properties of the Ethernet switch Device 
Tree node which is exactly the same whether the switch is the children 
of a SPI controller or the children of a MDIO bus controller. If there 
are properties that only apply to SPI or MDIO, you can make use of 
conditionals within the YAML file to enforce those. Having a single 
binding file would be very helpful to make sure all eggs are in the same 

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