Re: Changes in DTS output

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On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 02:50:36PM +1000, Stewart Smith wrote:
> Hi!
> It appears that 32b9c61307629ac76c6ac0bead6f926d579b3d2c has introduced
> a couple of regressions in the DTS output:
> For a start, I get
>     compatible = "ibm,powernv\0ibm,firenze";
> Rather than
>     compatible = "ibm,powernv", "ibm,firenze";
> (which is what I'd expect, and what's in the dts)
> Additionally, the whitespace is different:
> phandle = <0x44>;
> versus, now:
> phandle = < 0x44 >;
> which breaks diffing the dts, which has proved a rather nice unit test
> for my device tree producing firmware.

So Grant has patches addressing at least some of this, as you've
probably seen.

But, really, if what you're doing is broken by format changes in the
dts output, you're doing something wrong in the first place.  Apart
from the fact that relying on exact whitespace is always likely to be
fragile, how -Odts chooses to format things has *always* been a
heuristic subject to change.  It really can't be anything else, since
the dts to dtb conversion is (slightly) lossy.

The patches we've applied recently *will* still change the formatting
- generally making it more likely to match the original dts.  But, if
you're comparing -O dts output with a pre-generated dts you're still
asking for trouble.

What you really want to do here is compare the dtbs, since that's the
content you actually care about.  I get that you want to have a
human-readable diff, but you can do that by generating the dtbs to
compare first, then comparing -O dts output with -O dts output.  As
long as you generate both at the same time, you're using the same set
of heuristics to format the output, so you can be confident they'll
compare reasonably.  It's comparing -O dts output with a hand written
dts file, or with a dts file generated at a different time with a
different dtc version that's the problem.

dtc already includes a 'dtdiff' script to do exactly this (it also
ignores ordering differences in the dtbs, since that's not
semantically meaningful).

David Gibson			| I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT	| minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
				| _way_ _around_!

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