Attempting to build ceph on ubuntu.

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I've gone through much of the build process documented under Build Prerequisites and Building Ceph.

I see a build failure when I run ninja -j3.

The failure seems to occur when the grpc_tools are being built.

Can someone please provide a suggestion on how to get past this.

My hope is to get CEPH built, and then to run the test server so that I can begin to dig into CEPH modules, perhaps even running specific components in a single step debug environment.

I am building on ubuntu: 24.04.2

I cloned ceph main about 2 days ago. 

Thanks for any help. 

Attachment: cephbuildfailure.png
Description: cephbuildfailure.png

Attachment: cephbuildfailure1.png
Description: cephbuildfailure1.png

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