Steffen Nurpmeso wrote in <20201219172838.1B-WB%steffen@xxxxxxxxxx>: |Long story short, after falsely accusing BSD make of not working After dinner i shortened it a bit more, and attach it again, ok? It is terrible, but now less redundant than before. Sorry for being so terse, that problem crosses my head for about a week, and i was totally mislead and if you bang your head against the wall so many hours bugs or misbehaviours in a handful of other programs is not the expected outcome. #?0|kent:tmp$ SHELL=/bin/bash make -f ./ Starting job reaper (timeout of 2 seconds) .. waiting for job reaper to come up PRE T1 CHEK PREWAIT CHECK 10 ls: cannot access '/NONEXISTENT': No such file or directory CHECK /bin/bash 50 allexport off braceexpand on emacs off errexit off errtrace off functrace off hashall on histexpand off history off ignoreeof off interactive-comments on keyword off monitor on noclobber off noexec off noglob off nolog off notify off nounset off onecmd off physical off pipefail off posix off privileged off verbose off vi off xtrace off CHECK 23 CHECK 100 AFTER T1 CHEK Stopping job reaper make: *** [ test] Error 1 That is how it "should look" ;), monitor is on in there. #?2|kent:tmp$ SHELL=/bin/dash make -f ./ Starting job reaper (timeout of 2 seconds) .. waiting for job reaper to come up TTOU Cleaning up running jobs Stopping job reaper make: *** [ test] Error 2 Somehow refuses to work when supervised by (any) make (i tried). Works as desired when ridden directly. #?2|kent:tmp$ SHELL=/bin/mksh make -f ./ Starting job reaper (timeout of 2 seconds) .. waiting for job reaper to come up PRE T1 CHEK CHECK 10 PREWAIT ls: cannot access '/NONEXISTENT': No such file or directory PREWAIT PREWAIT PREWAIT PREWAIT PREWAIT PREWAIT PREWAIT TIMEOUT IN PARENT !! Timeout: reaped job 1 [X_errexit] Stopping job reaper And that condition is very strange, with or without supervision. Ciao! --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)
Description: Bourne shell script
test: ./