On 22/03/2018 22:01, Martijn Dekker wrote:
Op 22-03-18 om 20:12 schreef Harald van Dijk:
Isn't all of busybox, including ash, GPL? Wouldn't that mean that if any
busybox code is imported into dash, that from then on dash can only be
distributed under GPL?
I thought dash was already effectively under the GPL due to including
the output of mksignames.c.
To be honest, I'm getting confused now.
I knew that the output of GPL programs is not generally covered by the
GPL itself. And that's all that COPYING says:
This file is not directly linked with dash. However, its output is."
But about the not "generally" covered: as mentioned on
if the output includes part of the GPL-licensed code, then the output is
GPL-licensed as well. And admittedly, signames.c does contain part of
It seems unclear to packagers, at any rate:
Fedora and Gentoo say dash is BSD-licensed. MacPorts lists it as GPL-2+.
Harald van Dijk
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