On 11/10/2014 2:27 PM, Herbert Xu wrote:
Stéphane Aulery <saulery@xxxxxxx> wrote:
[-- text/plain, encoding 8bit, charset: utf-8, 12 lines --]
Here is a small patch reported by a user of Debian [1]. Could you please
integrate? Thank you for your help.
[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=646847
This patch also appears bogus as csh is an alternative to dash.
Even if csh is intentionally in the "See also" section despite not being
referenced anywhere else, is it also intentional that chsh is not in
that section despite the earlier reference? Would a patch that leaves
csh but also adds chsh be more appropriate, or do you prefer to leave it
as it is now?
Harald van Dijk
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