Dash mailing list,
I have one issue with dash and one question regarding debugging.
First up, when I run a configure script and it hits the following line:
if $_pkg_config --exists --print-errors $all_libav_libs ; then
with $_pkg_config being 'pkg-config --static', dash throws the following
./configure: 6012: ./configure: pkg-config --static: not found
I've tried adding brackets around the condition, but with no avail. Is
there anything wrong with the syntax.
Secondly, I decided to delve deeper with gdb and I can see dash calling:
find_command('pkg-config --static')
I would like to get some more info as to what in going on. IIRC, I saw
in show.c, there was some sort for tracefile that dash to dump to. How
do I enable this?
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