Thanks... At the present time, my system is authenticated by SASL PLAIN, LOGIN with STARTTLS. It worked probably. You have advised me to use DIGEST-MD5, and also I have read some documents and saw that the DIGEST-MD5 is better recommended. So... do you think using authenticated by SASL PLAIN, LOGIN with STARTTLS are more security? Please give me your opinion. Best Regards, -- *********************************** EVERYTHING HAS JUST BEGUN... On Mon, 29 Aug 2011 09:53:26 -0500, Dan White <dwhite@xxxxxxx> wrote: > On 29/08/11 17:25 +0700, Nguyen, Quoc Khanh wrote: >>Hi all, >> >>I begin to research about DIGEST-MD5 mechanisms instead of using plaintext >>mechanisms. However, its features are very few. I following this site: >>, but the result is failed... >>or i don't understand anything about the DIGEST-MD5. >> >>Here is my result: >> >> my slapd.conf is: > > >>password-hash {SSHA} > > This password-hash is incompatible with DIGEST-MD5. When performing > password changes via a password extended operation (ldappasswd), the > password will be hashed. DIGEST-MD5 will need access to the plaintext > password. > >># security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64 >> >># Sample access control policy: >># Root DSE: allow anyone to read it >># Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it >># Other DSEs: >># Allow self write access >># Allow authenticated users read access >># Allow anonymous users to authenticate >># Directives needed to implement policy: >># access to dn.base="" by * read >># access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read >># access to * >># by self write >># by users read >># by anonymous auth >># >># if no access controls are present, the default policy >> >># allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts >># updates to rootdn. (e.g., "access to * by * read") >># >># rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING! > > My mailer may have messed up the formating of your access statements. > > You'll need at least 'anonymous auth' access to the 'userPassword' > attribute, and probably for 'entry' as well. > > This might be sufficient: > > access to * > by self write > by users read > by anonymous auth > > And you'll need permissive access to supportedSASLMechanisms: > > access to dn.base="" by * read > > increase your logging, if necessary, to troubleshoot permissions problems. > >>####################################################################### >># BDB database definitions >> >>####################################################################### >> >> >>sasl-regexp >> uid=(.*),,cn=digest-md5,cn=auth >> >>uid=$1,ou=network,dc=abc,dc=com >> >> database bdb >> suffix "dc=abc,dc=com" >> >>rootdn "cn=rootldap,dc=abc,dc=com" > > Check slapd.conf(5) for your version of slapd. sasl-regexp may need to be > authz-regexp. > > Again, check your slapd logging output to trouble shoot authz-regexp > config problems. > >># Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should >># be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details. >> >># Use of strong authentication encouraged. > <cut> >># The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND >># should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools. >># Mode 700 recommended. >>directory /usr/local/openldap/var/openldap-data >>mode 0600 >> >># Indices to maintain >> >>index objectClass eq >> index uid eq >> index cn,gn,mail eq,sub >> index sn >>eq,sub >> index ou eq >> index default eq,sub >> >>I want to store secret in LDAP directory, so i use password-hash {SSHA}. >> >>I think if i use to ./slapadd that mean a store secret in SASLdb, but i >>just want it in LDAP directory, so I use: > > slapadd will not store the secret in sasldb. > >> ./ldapadd -x -D cn=rootldap,cn=abc,cn=com -f quanly.ldif -W >> >> >>./ldapadd -x -D cn=rootldap,cn=abc,cn=com -f nhanvien.ldif -W >> >>and it successfull. >> >>When i try to use ldapsearch: >> >>./ldapsearch -Y digest-md5 -U khanhnq >> >>SASL/DIGEST-MD5 authentication started >>Please enter your password: >>ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Invalid credentials (49) >> >>additional info: SASL(-13): user not found: no secret in database >> >>It said that no secret in database while I used ./ldapadd to add it... > >>My nhanvien.ldif: >> >>dn: cn=Khanh Nguyen,ou=network,dc=abc,dc=com >>objectclass: inetOrgPerson >>cn: Khanh Nguyen >>cn: Khanh Nguyen Quoc >>sn: Khanh >>uid: khanhnq >>userpassword: 123456 >>mail: khanhnq@xxxxxxx >>mail: nqk28703@xxxxxxxxx >>mail: khanhnq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >>ou: network > > Since you're adding your passwords this way, I believe they are getting > stored in cleartext, which should work with DISGEST-MD5. However, the next > time you change the password via ldappasswd, you will lose the ability to > authenticate (with DIGEST-MD5). > > Consider changing to: > > password-hash {CLEARTEXT} > > or find another way to authentiConsiderConsidercate which does not require plaintext > access to the password, such as SASL PLAIN with starttls.