On a somewhat related note: I have a change from my co-worker to use .plugin extension for SASL plugins (+ some muching libtool changes), is this something that I should commit? (I don't have a MacOS machine either)I can test, but I have no idea whether or not Mac supports it.
It does, but actually the proper extension on the Mac would be .bundle. See here for more info:
<http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Porting/Conceptual/PortingUnix/compiling/chapter_4_section_9.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002850-TPXREF103> -- Sebastian Hagedorn - RZKR-R1 (Flachbau), Zi. 18, Robert-Koch-Str. 10 Zentrum für angewandte Informatik - Universitätsweiter Service RRZK Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-478-5587
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