Hi all. In another list someone shows an Error-Message from the digest-md5 Plugin: "xxx: realm changed: authentication aborted". This happens if the Realm (Server->Client) in Step 1 is diffrent from the Realm (Client->Server) in Step 2. In RFC 2831 the Description of the Realm out of Step 2 is described as: realm The realm containing the user's account. This directive is required if the server provided any realms in the "digest-challenge", in which case it may appear exactly once and its value SHOULD be one of those realms. If the directive is missing, "realm-value" will set to the empty string when computing A1 (see below for details). The Value in Step 2 "SHOULD" be one of the Values passed in Step 1. The "SHOULD" is realized as a "MUST" in Cyrus-SASL. Is this really ok or is this something which should better be changed? -- Andreas