Hi, good news for Slackware users among us interested in Botan[1], there is now an approved BuildScript on slackbuilds.org: http://slackbuilds.org/result/?search=Botan I offer pre-compiled and signed[2] packages at my public SlackBuilds repository: http://mareichelt.de/pub/mine/slackware/builds/Botan/pkg/13.1/ The reason I got to know about Botan was this message to the cryptography mailinglist I found while zapping thru that list: http://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@xxxxxxxxxxxx/msg10874.html The linked article of interest is: http://www.randombit.net/bitbashing/programming/serpent_in_simd.html Jari, maybe you find that article inspiring too :) [1] http://botan.randombit.net/ [2] http://mareichelt.de/pub/mine/slackware/slackbuilds.asc -- left blank, right bald loop-AES FAQ: http://mareichelt.de/pub/texts.loop-aes.php#faq
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