Re: Mounting additional encrypted filesystems from within an encrypted root

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On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 01:09 +0200, markus reichelt wrote:
> * Fred Gazerblezeebe <fgazerblezeebe@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > work, as described in your faq. (Interestingly, 'df' does not list
> > the mount, although I can see it has been mounted with 'ls /var'.)
> Hm. df should list them. What does mount say?
/dev/loop5 on / type ext4 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
Filesystem  1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/loop5  6048352 1759460 3981652 31% /

Neither command shows that /var is mounted, but

%ls /var
account/ cvs/ empty/ lib/ lock/ lost+found/ nis/ preserve/ spool/  yp/
cache/ db/ games/  local/  log/   mail@  opt/  run/ tmp/

Also interesting is the fact that mount lists /dev/loop5 on / as being
mounted rw, yet I'm unable to write to it.

> > However, I don't think leaving unencrypted keys around is a viable
> > solution, and if I could get gpg to create them temporarily during
> > boot, I imagine it would also be able to decrypt them as part of
> > the original commandline in
> Well, since you already have the password to unlock the keys in some
> file in cleartext, it wouldn't make much of a difference in my book.
> But I hear you :)

No difference actually; I wasn't thinking clearly last night. Ultimately
I would like to avoid any passwords or plaintext keys lying around, but
I'm taking this one step at a time.

> Just for the record, I've no problems setting up encrypted partitions
> the "echo pw | magic" way via rc.local on my systems (various
> Slackware 12.x & 13.0-64).
> I realize that that approach won't work on your specific setup, but
> perhaps you could try the concept on a spare (swap?) partition.
> Anyway, someone mentioned on this list (I cannot find the article
> atm) that you can add to the (decrypted) root key additional lines of
> text, e.g. passwords or setup-lines - cos losetup will just take the
> first 65 lines as key input and ignore the rest. Maybe you can script
> something to make good use of that fact and set up additional
> partitions that way instead of going via the classic init-style
> script-approach.

I've been working through the archives, but I haven't come across this
yet; I'll keep digging.  I'd also been thinking along the lines of
concatenating all of the encrypted keys into a single file that could be
decrypted by entering a single passphrase, and then delivering the
appropriate subsets of lines via some combination of head/tail/awk/etc.

In any case, after much experimentation, I have at least figured out how
to avoid the 'cannot open /dev/tty...' error and decrypt the keyfiles
during boot,

cat <keyfile>.gpg | gpg --decrypt --passphrase "<SUPPRESSED>"

works, so based on the mount commands in your faq

mount -p3 /dev/sda6 /var -o loop=/dev/loop6,encryption=aes128 \
mount /dev/sda6 /var -o loop=/dev/loop6,encryption=aes128,\

that do work, I tried the following variations without success

mount -p3 /dev/sda6 /var -o loop=/dev/loop6,encryption=aes128 3<`cat
<keyfile>.gpg | gpg --decrypt --passphrase "<SUPPRESSED>"`

which returns the error `cat <keyfile>.gpg | gpg --decrypt --passphrase
"<SUPPRESSED>"`: Ambiguous


mount /dev/sda6 /var -o loop=/dev/loop6,encryption=aes128,\
cleartextkey=`cat <keyfile>.gpg | gpg --decrypt --passphrase

which returns the mount --help text.

So I guess I'm back to trying to solve the issue with gpg and /dev/tty,
which is really what I need to do anyway.

If I haven't said so already, thanks for the suggestions Markus and your
faq; they've been very helpful.


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