David wrote: > dd if=/dev/sda bs=64k | aespipe -e AES256 -K /key.gpg | dd of=/dev/sda bs=64k conv=notrunc [snip] > dd if=/dev/sda bs=64k | aespipe -d -K /key.gpg | dd of=/dev/sda bs=64k conv=notrunc dd if=/dev/sda bs=64k | aespipe -d -e AES256 -K /key.gpg | dd of=/dev/sda bs=64k conv=notrunc ^^^^^^^^ Loop-AES and aespipe on-disk format is headerless because ciphertext must fit exactly same space as plaintext. No header to tell what key size was used to encrypt means that you have to specify that same info for decryption too. -- Jari Ruusu 1024R/3A220F51 5B 4B F9 BB D3 3F 52 E9 DB 1D EB E3 24 0E A9 DD - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/