Re-encrypting using multi-key, again

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hello list,

apologies for abusing linux-crypto with loop-aes-only-related problems,
but it's my crpyto-solution of choice ;-)

now that multi-key-v3 is the preferred key-mode with loop-aes, i wanted to
"switch" from multi-key-v2 to multi-key-v3 using a linux-2.6 kernel.

reading made me use
aespipe but i felt like making some changes to the syntax, because i had
no single-key setup and no "seed.txt". what i did was:

$ dd if=test.img bs=64k | aespipe -d -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8.gpg \
  | aespipe -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8-v3.gpg -w120 \
  | dd of=test.img bs=64k conv=notrunc

$ losetup -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8-v3.gpg /dev/loop0 test.img

but after this, i could not mount test.img (loop0) anymore - all data
seems to be gone (luckily i really did this on the test.img first, not
with real, valuable data).  (full log see below)

i wonder
- - how i misused aespipe
- - if this is the way to go, to change the cipher/passphrase/keyfile
  without reformatting the fs (i assume the answer is "yes")
- - how to figure out the right time to wait (aespipe -w) on large
  filesystems without testing first

thank you for your ideas. i could imagine this is somehow a FAQ and adding
the (right) answers to loop-AES.README (Example 7) would be fine. maybe
we'll have multi-key-v4 anytime soon and people have to switch again.


- ---------- some cmd snippets ----------

root@sheep:~# losetup -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8.gpg /dev/loop0 test.img
root@sheep:~# losetup -a
/dev/loop0: [0805]:16819615 (test.img) encryption=AES128 multi-key-v3
root@sheep:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 /mnt/cdrom/         [success]
root@sheep:~# umount /mnt/cdrom/
root@sheep:~# losetup -d /dev/loop0
root@sheep:~# dd if=test.img bs=64k | aespipe -d -e aes128 -K \
              ~/keys/sda8.gpg | aespipe -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8-v3.gpg\
              -w120 | dd of=test.img bs=64k conv=notrunc
800+0 records in
800+0 records out
52428800 bytes transferred in 134.029051 seconds (391175 bytes/sec)
111+5214 records in
111+5214 records out
52428800 bytes transferred in 134.027787 seconds (391179 bytes/sec)
root@sheep:~# ls -lah test.img
- -rw-r--r--  1 root root 50M Jan 16 03:14 test.img         [size as before]
root@sheep:~# losetup -e aes128 -K ~/keys/sda8-v3.gpg /dev/loop0 test.img
root@sheep:~# mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 /mnt/cdrom/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

[ NOTE: sda8-v3.key was generated as in Ex.2 in loop-AES.README, sda8.key
was generated following the loop-AES.README that came with loop-aes-v2.x
once. ]

- --
BOFH excuse #82:

Yeah, yo mama dresses you funny and you need a mouse to delete files.
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