Hi! My latest question is about that example from the aespipe.README on encrypted CD-ROM images. I wonder if this can be applied to DVD-ROMs and had to find out that burning such an image.iso to a DVD ROM resulted in an error message "no medium found". The original command for iso-creation was: mkisofs -r directory-tree | aespipe -w 10 -K image.iso -O 16 >>image.iso I want to use a keyfile from floppy. So I changed the command like this: mkisofs -r /safe/dvdimage | aespipe -e AES256 -K /media/floppy/keyfile.gpg >image.iso Aespipe asked for proper password, mkisofs made an iso, everything was fine:-) I could mount that 4GB large iso and read from it, perfect! Then I took a DVD-ROM and burned the file under Windows XP with Nero 6.0. The result was a DVD-ROM that neither the recorder nor my DVD drive could read:-( I suppose the problem comes from the filesystem creation. DVD-ROMs should be different from the ISO9660 standard. Maybe mkisofs shouldn´t be run with the -r option. But, which option is the right one at that point??? Has somebody allready successfully made an encrypted DVD-ROM? What´s the right command for the image creation? Which option do I have to consider in the recording software (k3b, nero, etc.)??? Any hints, either for creation of an encrypted DVD image or saving a 4GB encrypted file on DVD, are welcome. Btw., is there a patch in progress for that new gpg-release 1.2.6 ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/gnupg-1.2.6.tar.bz2 and the util-linux package 2.12b? I just found those but couldn´t apply the loop-aes 2.1c patches to them. Regards, Peter -- Supergünstige DSL-Tarife + WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* Jetzt zu GMX wechseln und sparen http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/