Hi! I don´t know what problems you have with "Jari´s great README" but to your question > Going even further - which ways do exist to set up dual-cipher encryption? I can assure you that Loop-AES is capable to use several ciphers for the same partition. I successfully compiled loop-aes *plus* the cipher package. You are free to use several modules and several "layers" of loop-aes. This way you can encrypt the partition once in aes256, once again in twofish 256 and once more in serpent 128 if you deem this is necessary. Unfortunately there is no patch out yet to use this kind of thing for root / swap encryption. Nevertheless, it´s up to you. And don´t forget, there is no other source out there to do this kind of thing with your data. Ever tried to encrypt your WinXP box and boot it from USB-Stick? Regards, Peter -- NEU: WLAN-Router für 0,- EUR* - auch für DSL-Wechsler! GMX DSL = supergünstig & kabellos http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/