Re: Loop-AES vs. PPDD

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[ ... ]

>> The questions you ask sound like homework, [ ... ] not the sort of
>> questions one would ask out of a genuine desire to understand the
>> issues.

tacron> Incorrect.

You would say that, wouldn't you? :-) For example, consider among
several other obvious hints the lack of personal identification on your
email address, which might suggest to the cynical :-) a desire not to be
caught out soliciting ``assistance''.

However, I will try to pretend that I believe your bare "incorrect"
statement and be more patient and provide some detailed exposition of
the complexities I perceive and that you maybe can't be asked to
worry about.

But please double check with your friendly neighbourhood professional
cryptanalist anything I write because I am just an interested spectator,
and I am neither a criptographer nor a cryptanalyst, and just about the
only thing I really know about the subject is that it is far more subtle
than I think I know. :-)

[ ... ]

>> "automatically mean" is a meaningless sequence of words. Perhaps that
>> should have been written "necessarily mean", but if so then it is
>> still pretty pointless because ``security'' is a matter of judgement,
>> not logical necessity.

tacron> bla bla

It's not "bla bla", for me it is very the essence of the discussion. I
reckon that:

``Security'' is not an automatic consequence of how many/which features,
  it is a complex story. Bauer in his cryptanalysis book argues that the
  Enigma machine, especially as updated, was unbreakable at the time. But
  its users were sloppy. And sometimes more features mean less ``security''.

``Security'' can only be estimated semi-reliably by professional
  cryptanalysts and given a cryptosystem architecture and a threat
  model; a disk encryption scheme is a mere component of a cryptosystem,
  (of which you give very few details) and I haven't noticed any mention
  of a threat model either.

``Security'' is intimately related to cost: both the cryptosystem
  architecture and threat model must included expected budgets for
  protection and attack vs. the value of preventing or achieving a
  breach. Without mention of money values even having a cryptosystem
  architecture and threat models is not that useful.

Analogies are usually bad, but consider the meanignfulness of questions

  ``Does an engine with six cylinders automatically mean that it is more
  reliable than an engine with four cylinders concerning this point?''.

  ``Is a CPU with 250 instructions always more powerful than a CPU with
  110 instructions as far as this point is concerned?''

>> Also, and more importantly, any question like "more secure" at this
>> level of detail is ridiculous without a detailed threat model and lots
>> of pretty formal work, or a team of professional cryptanalists checking
>> it out.

tacron> Could you please answer the question?

Sorry, my guess is that the question is pointless/unanswerable. This
guess in itself may convey valuable information, but hey, that's just my
delusion, you are welcome to recoil from sharing it.

For me your insistence for an answer reinforces my other delusion that
your questions are "not the sort of questions one would ask out of a
genuine desire to understand the issues."

Perhaps this is also because of my occasional feeling that you only care
to get a definite answer to an otherwise pointless question because your
teacher does award points to it in marking your essay (``Does the use of
64 vs. 17 keys by itself mean that it is more secure other things being
equal? Answer yes or no, correct answer worth 15 points''); if so
perhaps he can't be asked to understand the depth of the subject he
teaches, or just cynical about teaching.

So, not only I reckon that questions about "more secure" based on
details like the number of keys are just pointless without a statement
of the expected threats and the cryptosystem architecture; some people
may even think that having many subkeys is barely useful; it may even be
regarded to be a risk, never mind the specific number of keys.

Consider this argument, which is not necessarily good, but to me seems
to have some merit in some cases: having many keys, no matter whether 17
or 64, means that probably they cannot be easily memorized. If they
cannot, they have to be stored _somewhere_, encrypted with a key that
has to be memorized (all this said with a particular but obvious family
of cryptosystem architectures in mind).

Does this improve or reduce ``security'' whatever that is? It's not so
obvious, and may depend quite a bit on the threat model, because it
seems to me that it trades off some data crypto hazards for some key
management hazards.

Maybe if you have a single not too complex key you can just hold it in
your head. Given that some plausible threat models are mostly about key
management mishaps, this might be more ``secure'' than storing the
vector of real encryption keys somewhere outside your head, and keeping
in your head just the passphrase with which you encrypt that.

Then there are counterarguments, like that you can/should put the keys
well separated from the data (as part of your original question), but
this creates different key management hazards, and so on.

Then there are countercounterarguments; for example that if a key is
only in your head you know for sure at least some cases when it has been
revealed, because you did it, but then there are keyboard loggers that
mean you may have revealed the key without realizing it, and so on.

Again, it all depends on the threat model and the cryptosystem

[ ... ]

tacron> I speculate that PPDD has no significant problems with using
tacron> Blowfish and the 64bit blocksize because this becomes only a
tacron> problem when encrypting every sector with a single key.

>> Good for you that you enjoy speculating about such matters.

tacron> Thx :P

Glad for the appreciation. However I'll now comment on your enjoyable
speculation, just to illustrate why it seems a bit fanciful to me, in
particular this bare premise:

  tacron> becomes only a problem when encrypting every sector with a
  tacron> single key.

This statement seems to me to be based on the assumption that what is
relevant is block size vs. *percentage* (100% vs. 5.9% or 1.5% or ...,
depending on the number of keys) instead of absolute quantity (and
likelyhood of known plaintext in it) of ciphertext potentially available
to an adversary. I also wonder if it wouldn't be more useful to worry
about key size instead of block size wrt to percentage or absolute
amount of ciphertext.

If encrypting an 80GB partition with something like 17 keys, the
adversary might get almost 5GB of ciphertext per key (some of which may
be known plaintext), and perhaps that is still a bit of a concern with
64 bit blocks (or should one worry about key size rather than the block
size?), _if_ the block size should be related to the absolute amount of
ciphertext one expects the adversary to be able to get, not its

To my untrained eye it would seem more worthwhile to fancy speculating
about absolute amount of data encrypted per key vs. key size, rather
than percentage of data encrypted per key vs. block size, but you seem
happier to speculate about the latter.

  More generally, it seems to me that one of the challenges with disk
  encryption schemes is the large amount, especially compared to many
  other uses of encryption, of ciphertext produced with the same key
  (and the high likelyhood some of it corresponds to known plaintext)
  that might fall into the hands of the adversary. This may be a worry,
  not just because cryptanalysis may be easier (I guess wildly here) but
  also because the consequence of a breach may be wide.

  AFAIK for encryption of communication channels keys are often
  automatically renegotiated every X bytes and/or Y milliseconds, and
  this looks to me to be pretty hard to do for a disk with anything like
  the same spatial or temporal frequency. But I am digressing from
  happy speculations about block sizes and percentage of ciphertext. :-)

tacron> PPDD uses this whitening process, to keep the IVs secret. Is
tacron> there any match in Loop-AES?

>> I suspect that the purpose of whitening in PPDD is not really about
>> keeping the IVs secret. [ ... whitening is about spreading data ... ]


tacron> Really?  "On 20010920 (Thu) at 1114:48 +0200, Allan Latham
tacron> wrote: [..]

  alatham> PPDD "scrambles" the whole of a 512 byte block before
  alatham> encryption in such a way that the iv for this action is kept
  alatham> secret in the same way as the encryption keys and that the
  alatham> scrambling action diffuses a change in any one byte
  alatham> throughout the block.

My suspicions involve also a misreading of this sentence: to me it
states that the IV keys for whitening are kept secret _before_
scrambling, "in the same way as the encryption keys" are kept secret,
which is described as follows:


   «The key for the 1024 byte block is derived from the pass phrase and
    is used to encrypt most of this block in ecb mode. In the encrypted
    part of the block are the keys for the database and iv data needed
    for the encryption process.»

Which sounds to me not quite like "uses this whitening process, to keep
the IVs secret". The opposite seems more applicable to me: whitening
_uses_ the IVs kept secret by the control block passphrase.

It is also said explicitly that the purpose of whitening is to frustrate
before/after analysis here (and see below too):

  alatham> If an attacker gets a "before" and "after" copy he can see
  alatham> that a 512 byte block has changed but has no idea where in
  alatham> the block the change took place.

The scrambling seems to be just just a _data_ block superencryption
scheme, rather unrelated to the a goal like "to keep the IVs secret"
(the IVs are _metadata_).


That the purpose of whitening it to frustrate before/after analysis is
also what I misunderstand from this other detailed description:


   «This process requires an IV and this is derived from the block number
    and from a table of IVs held in the control block.
      The whitening process also provides an IV which is used in the cbc
      encryption of the block using a key from the control block.

      The control block contains 17 keys and 61 random 4 byte IVs.

      The key used on a block is derived by dividing the block number by
      17 and using the remainder as a subscript to the key array.

      The whitening IVs are the block number itself and the IVs from the
      control block derived by dividing the block number by 59 and 61	
      and using these remainders and using these as subscripts.

    The result is that no block is encrypted the same way. Also any
    change in the data in a block results in a completely different 512
    byte block after encryption.»

Now, let's assume for a moment for the sake of argument that PPDD "uses
this whitening process, to keep the IVs secret": then, which IVs does
whitening "keep secret"? Also, if the IVs are kept secret somewhere,
where? Neither is so obvious to me.

My impression is that the IVs whitening uses are "derived" from the
61-IV vector in the control block, and those are not in any way subject
to whitening. The "key used in the block" is also selected from the
17-key vector in the control block, and that is also kept secret by the
passphrase. As to where, in data blocks there is no space to store the
IVs, and in the control block they are kept secret by the passphrase.
Misteries of the whitening masters! :-)

In passing, note the innocence of the author when he concludes that
thanks to this particular superencryption scheme:

   «[ ... ] the scrambling action diffuses a change in any one byte
    throughout the block.»

   «Also any change in the data in a block results in a completely
    different 512 byte block after encryption.»

Amazing claims! :-) I am also rather perplexed that whitening «"scrambles"
the whole of a 512 byte block before encryption» instead of *after*

[ ... ]

>> It would have been nice if you had found the time to read _carefully_
>> the paper that describes PPDD, the loop-AES documentation, and the
>> sources, and some web discussions about these subjects...

tacron> I did.

You would say that, of course, and yes, yes, I believe that and in the
tooth fairy :-) and also that you are not just trying to scrounge some
quick'n'dirty stuff to cut and paste in your assignment. :-)

Yours statements above suggest to me that you may have read (perhaps
belatedly) something about whitening, but that it must have been a very
superficial read, because despite the fairly clear and repeated
statements that the purpose of whitening is to frustrate some sort of
before/after analysis even _in the quote you provide_, you only
mentioned as its purpose to keep some IVs secret.

But reading carelessly is not the only problem I imagine; to me it seems
pretty likely that you never bothered to read the loop-AES documentation
or its sources, because you seemed quite unaware that since 2002
(according to the 'ChangeLog') the loop-AES driver supports iterations,
or that it does not use any random number generator itself.

To me it seems fairly funny that you are trying to compare loop-AES with
PPDD without apparently reading their documentation or sources with care
if at all, or else it's the attitude of a lazy guy that just wants to
make his term paper with minimum cut-and-paste effort. :-)

tacron> But saying that A has feature x and B has feature y is different
tacron> from evaluating the overall impact of x and y on the strength of
tacron> A and B respectively.

Ahhhh, but you asked questions like "automatically means" ... "more
secure" as to a detail like 17 vs. 64 keys. Even if just as "concerning
this point" that seems to be a bit more ambitious than listing features,
assuming one gets the features right.

tacron> Of course I can eavaluate different aspects of encryption
tacron> systems separately by going through the literature

If only it were so easy! And "evaluate" is not the same as ``list''.

tacron> and saying: this system uses a secure hash transform and this
tacron> system none at all, Serpent's security margin is widely seen to
tacron> be more comfortable than the one of AES etc.

Consider performance, another slippery subject: at least one can say it
is measured in ``somethings'' per unit of time. One can argue about the
``somethings'', and one can argue about how to measure them, but it is
pretty obvious (absolute) performance should be a ``speed''.

For ``security'' I cannot even imagine in what units it is expressed;
and some people even think it is process and not a quantity.

Even making a list of features probably does not help a lot, and making
an inaccurate list without reading carefully or at all some of the
relevant docs or sources may help very little.

tacron> But when it comes to evaluating the overall security of a disk
tacron> encryption system, I leave that to crypto experts I hoped to
tacron> find here.

Unlucky! Most of those people work for the ``good'' (or ``bad'') guys,
and poor spectators like me can just offer some cautionary warnings to
the lazy :-).

Then I suspect that any "crypto experts" would be pretty reluctant to
indulge your wildly speculative imagination by "evaluating the overall
security" of anything outside decently specified terms of reference
(cryptosystem architecture, threat model, budgets), but I have never
even talked with one (not that I would know even if I did, as Bauer says
it is very dangerous for a professional cryptanalyst to be known as such).

Also, have you ever read Eco's novel "Foucault's pendulum"? It says that
the number one rule among occultists (includign apprentice sorcerers) is
like ``Those who claim they know, don't, and those who claim they don't
know, do''. :-)

For cryptanalysts it is more like ``Those who talk don't know, those who
know don't talk''. Note that I am talking a lot. :-)

But then most definitely I am not a cryptanalyst or a "crypto expert"; I
have never even tried to solve a decryption problem in a puzzle magazine
on a train trip, it just bores me (like crosswords, etc.).

tacron> I'll have to wait for Halcrow's paper on Linux symposium (though
tacron> he probably won't evaluate PPDD).

Perhaps, but even evaluating the _details_ of a disk encryption scheme
is not trivial (consider the above discussion of the merits of having
multiple keys vs. one key), because even the details can be more
``secure'' (whatever that means) under some threat model and not under
others, and in what kind of cryptosystem architecture the disk encryptor
is embedded.

>From the description of his talk:

it seems he will be reasonably just do "a survey of filesystem security
options", quite a bit more doable than evaluating ``security'' as in:

  tacron> I'd like to know how Loop-AES (used with mulitkey mode, key
  tacron> stored on external media, root directory encrypted and booting
  tacron> from CD-ROM) and PPDD compare in terms of security.

Could this poor Halcrow guy foretell which cryptosystems and threats and
budgets are involved in most/every case? Do you? :-)

However, let me add here a personal call of judgement: I like loop-AES,
in large part because I have read Jari Ruusu docs and occasional
comments and I like his judgement because he seems to think things
through, and this gives me confidence that he does his homework, is
aware of the existence of limitations and oblique risks, and tries to
fix or avoid trouble.

For me the cost of cryptosystem architecture/threat model/cost estimates
and hiring a team of professional cryptanlysts wildly exceeds the
possible cost of really making sure nobody can read my email :-), and so
I use the crude proxy of trusting the judgement of the author as

tacron> Nevertheless thx for the informative part of your (educational)
tacron> pamphlet :D

Thanks for the appreciation!

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