[KERNLI PATCH] Configure.help update against

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Hi Alex!

I've incorporated your suggestions. Have a look.


Marc Mutz <Marc@xxxxxxxx>        http://marc.mutz.com/Encryption-HOWTO/
University of Bielefeld, Dep. of Mathematics / Dep. of Physics

PGP-keyID's:   0xd46ce9ab (RSA), 0x7ae55b9e (DSS/DH)
--- i5/Documentation/Configure.help	Mon Sep 25 16:50:54 2000
+++ i5-raidA0-raid1rb15.B2-ext0.0.3a/Documentation/Configure.help	Wed Sep 27 23:58:05 2000
@@ -287,22 +287,35 @@
 Crypto ciphers
-  A cipher is a parameter-dependant function E_K that takes a
-  fixed-length block M (usually 64 or 128 bits) and maps it onto
-  another (usually equal-sized) block E_K(M) in such a way that,
-  without knowledge of the "key" K, it is hard to compute
-  1. M,      if E_K(M) is given,
-  2. E_K(M), if M is given.
-  However, there always exists the inverse function D_K of E_K such
-  that D_K(E_K(M))=M for any M. M is called the 'plaintext' and E_K(M)
-  the 'ciphertext'. The ideal cipher is one where it is impossible to
-  compute M, if you have E_K(M), but not K. In this case, the easiest
-  way to break the cipher is to use 'brute-force', i.e. try all K in
-  turn until you hit the right one. With most ciphers in this library,
-  K is a 128-bit number. Here, brute-force attacks are infeasible.
+  Ciphers basically help us scramble data so that other people don't
+  get access to it. Useful applications for this include hiding hard
+  drive contents or network traffic from unauthorized eyes. Compare a
+  file encrypted with a cipher with very good safe: The document is in
+  it, you can carry the document with you (if the safe is not too
+  heavy), but others can steal it, too. However, they will not be able
+  to read the document if the safe is any good.
+  Mathematically speaking, a cipher is a parameter-dependant function
+  E(K, ) that takes a fixed-length block M (usually 64 or 128 bits)
+  and maps it onto another (usually equal-sized) block C=E(K,M) in such
+  a way that, without knowledge of the "key" K, it is hard to compute
+  1. M, if C and the function E are given,
+  2. C, if M is given and the function E is known.
+  M is called the 'plaintext' and C the 'ciphertext'. The above
+  properties are commonly described as "All the security of the cipher
+  lies in its key". However, there always exists the inverse function
+  D(K, ) of E(K, ) such that D(K,E(K,M))=M for any M.  The ideal
+  cipher is one where it is impossible to compute M if you have C, but
+  not K. In this case, the easiest way to break the cipher is to use
+  'brute-force', i.e. try all K in turn until you hit the right
+  one. With most ciphers in this library, K is a 128-bit number. Here,
+  brute-force attacks are infeasible since they require testing all
+  2^128 possible keys K, which would take far too long on any
+  conceivable computer (some big multiple of the age of the universe
+  for example).
   Unfortunately, the ideal cipher has not been found yet, so most
   ciphers in this library, or certain 'reduced-round' versions

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