Hi, I just installed gentoo and wanted to use loop aes on a 420GB volume. the volume resides on a 3ware ide raid5. I wanted to format it with the XFS filesystem. is it true I shall disable write cache on the controller ? Now I read the README that comes with loop-aes. the parameters seem wrong its not losetup -e AES128 it seems to be losetup -e aes -k 128. well no problem here. Im trying example #3 It says I shall keep the seed somewhere, but in the example its in the fstab isnt it ? I suppose its for convienience but better not to keep there ? is solution #3 more secure because of the seed than number 4 (the gpg solution), altho in #4 I could save the keyfile on a CD or an usb keychain storage ? I mean in #4 I dont do a dd over the whole disk. I did the swap encryption thing as in the read me, however doesnt matter which parameters I put in fstab swapon always works, so I wonder how can I check if swap is really encrypted ? And finally I wonder how much morge secure aes256 is over aes128 , cause I got no idea. I wonder when/if I need 256. my read/write acces seem to slow down about 50% with aes256. thx for help on this :-)) Chris -- Christophe Zwecker mail: doc@zwecker.de Hamburg, Germany fon: +49 179 3994867 http://www.zwecker.de "Who is General Failure ? And why is he reading my disk ??" - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-crypto/