Greeting, I've completed the harmonized digest interface for cryptoapi. I really think people should start moving to something like this, make life easier to deal with when new algorithms come along. Or when old ones are broken! I haven't made it kernel-friendly yet any pointers would be appreciated. Summary: At compile time you can specify 3 levels of optimization: 1. Small footprint (sha1 < 2k!) 2. Reasonable optimization 3. Fully optimized (make very large code >100K) Each algorithm comes with a test bench console application to make sure porting was successful. The C-struct hasher_t contains both data and function pointers to the appropriate hash algorithm. The example below should make it clear how to use this, a complete example exists in hasher_test.c. int main() { hasher_t H; u8 D[HASHER_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE]; if (hasher_setup(&H, "md5") != HASHER_OK) { printf("Error: %d/%s\n", H.err, HasherErrorMsg(H.err)); return 1; } H.Init(&H); H.Update(&H, "h", 1): H.Update(&H, "ello", 4); H.Update(&H, " there", 6); H.Final(&H, D); for (i=0; i<H.len; i++) printf("%.2x ", D[i]); printf("\n"); H.Init(&H); H.Update(&H, "h", 1): H.Update(&H, "ello", 4); H.Update(&H, " THERE", 6); H.Final(&H, D); for (i=0; i<H.len; i++) printf("%.2x ", D[i]); printf("\n"); HasherTeardown(&H); // cleanse hasher_t return 0; } I've used Doxygen to generate some purrty docs... HTML API docs: PDF API docs: Source code tar ball: API docs tar ball: Cheers, JLC -- Suite 4560 CTTC 1125 Colonel By Dr. Ottawa ON, K1S 5B6 C: 613.263.2983 - Linux-crypto: cryptography in and on the Linux system Archive: