Title: RFE: type of transport and netmtu as attributes of ring
The problem seems to reside deeper. We have tried two infiniband
fabrics, but no luck at all. C/s simply crashes.
01.10.2012 21:11, Grüninger, Andreas (LGL Extern) пишет:
Type of transport and mtu size are
attributes of the totem object.
When multiple rings are defined the
same type of transport and mtu size must be used.
This is a problem when the networks
use different mtu size and physics.
In our case the host are attached
to a ethernet network with the common mtu size of 1500 and to
an infiniband network with a mtu size of 2044.
I defined two interfaces, one in
the ethernet network and the second in the infiniband network.
Neither transport type of iba can be
used nor the mtu size of 2044.
RFE: Mtu size and type of transport
(here iba and udpu respective) should be defined as
attributes of the interface like ringnumber and bindnetaddr.
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