Last night I installed V2.2 and started tinkering with it. I'm getting this warning message, which seems strange to me, as my code matches the layout in the User's Guide and in the Quick Reference. warning: incorrect order of CONFIGURATION SECTION paragraphs used It appears after the Input-Output Section statement. Here is the beginning of my source code file: >>source format is free Identification Division. Program-ID. cute. Environment Division. Configuration Section. Source-Computer. OpenSuSE-Leap-42-3 with Debugging Mode. Object-Computer. Intel-X86-64 character classification is System-Default. Repository. Function all Intrinsic. Special-names. Console is CRT. CRT status is cob_CRT_status_info. Cursor is cob_CRT_cursor_position. Input-output Section. File-control. : The section and paragraph names seem to be in the correct order. What might be causing this? Leslie