I just
received the following note. I would suggest that anyone involved in the
OpenCOBOL process who is interested in future "conforming" compilers
follow up on this. In particular, if you are outside the US, you may
want to see how to get your national Standards Body involved and
proactive. To find out how to contact your national standards body, check
* * *
COBOL working draft 1.10, in zipped PDF format, is available for download from the WG4 website: http://www.cobolstandard.info/wg4/document.html (WD 1.10). I will send this document to SC22 for concurrent Committee Draft (CD) registration and CD ballot.
I decided not to hold up the concurrent CD registration and CD ballot for resolution of certain details; you can see these in Annex G, Open Issues. Please send comments on these issues, along with any other comments.
Anyone can send comments directly to INCITS/J4 (bobkarlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) for consideration in development of the U.S. position on the CD ballot. You should also send your comments to your national body for development of your country's position.
This is the first committee draft, which is usually considered to be a rough draft. Comments on the overall feature content as well as comments on specification details will be helpful. The next planned ballot is a Final CD ballot, for which the document should be in tip-top shape (though changes can still be made). Your input will help us make it that way.
I'll notify you when I know the ballot closing date. Your national body will have an earlier closing date.
The ballot starting date will be a bit later than shown in the draft revision schedule at http://www.cobolstandard.info/j4/files/07-0183.doc , but the overall schedule should not change drastically because the ballot period will be 3 months rather than the projected 4 months.
Any comments to INCITS/J4 (bobkarlin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by the March 10-14, 2008, J4 meeting in Ontario, CA, will be greatly appreciated.
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