Oops .. Bad, bad, very bad news, almost for me. Nicolas, I have found the
option to pass "-p" to corosync without modifying cman startup script. In
/etc/sysconfig/cman config file, I have put a line with this:
.. and works ok.
[root@rhelnode01 sysconfig]# ps xa |grep corosync
1033 ? SLsl 0:00 corosync -f -p
1494 pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep corosync
I will do some tests with two nodes, But I think RHEL6.x is not yet ready
for production environments, almost RHCS.
Thanks for that, that'll prevent me from modifying a system file...
And yes, I find it a little disapointing. We're now at 6.1, and our setup is
exactly what RHCS was designed for... A GFS over fiber, httpd running
content from that gfs...
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