Hi list, Is it normal for a fresh install that CLVM says that the locking is disabled while locking_type is set to 3 in lvm.conf ? [root@myhost ~]# clvmd -d CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:24 CLVMD started CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:24 Connected to CMAN CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:24 CMAN initialisation complete CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:25 DLM initialisation complete CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:25 Cluster ready, doing some more initialisation CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:25 starting LVM thread CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:25 clvmd ready for work CLVMD[e2bd6170]: May 18 12:42:25 Using timeout of 60 seconds CLVMD[42aa8940]: May 18 12:42:25 LVM thread function started File descriptor 5 (/dev/zero) leaked on lvm invocation. Parent PID 6240: clvmd WARNING: Locking disabled. Be careful! This could corrupt your metadata. CLVMD[42aa8940]: May 18 12:42:25 LVM thread waiting for work I guess it's related to this following warning when trying to list the vg's (while clvmd is up) : [root@myhost ~]# vgs connect() failed on local socket: No such file or directory WARNING: Falling back to local file-based locking. Volume Groups with the clustered attribute will be inaccessible. VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree vg00 1 7 0 wz--n- 24.28G 10.44G This prevents me from creating a clustered VG (actually I can create a clustered VG, but not the LV inside). [root@myhost ~]# vgcreate -c y vggfs01 /dev/sdb2 connect() failed on local socket: No such file or directory WARNING: Falling back to local file-based locking. Volume Groups with the clustered attribute will be inaccessible. No physical volume label read from /dev/sdb2 Physical volume "/dev/sdb2" successfully created Clustered volume group "vggfs01" successfully created [root@myhost ~]# lvcreate -L 500M -n lvgfs01 vggfs01 connect() failed on local socket: No such file or directory WARNING: Falling back to local file-based locking. Volume Groups with the clustered attribute will be inaccessible. Skipping clustered volume group vggfs01 [root@myhost ~]# The final goal is to build a GFS shared storage between 3 nodes. The cman part seems to be OK for the three nodes : [root@lhnq501l ~]# cman_tool services type level name id state fence 0 default 00010001 none [1 2 3] dlm 1 rgmanager 00020003 none [1 2 3] dlm 1 clvmd 00010003 none [1 2 3] This is my first RHEL cluster, and I'm not sure where to investigate right now. If anyone has ever seen this behaviour, any comment is appreciated, Thanks, - Ben. Mise en garde concernant la confidentialite : Le present message, comprenant tout fichier qui y est joint, est envoye a l'intention exclusive de son destinataire; il est de nature confidentielle et peut constituer une information protegee par le secret professionnel. Si vous n'etes pas le destinataire, nous vous avisons que toute impression, copie, distribution ou autre utilisation de ce message est strictement interdite. Si vous avez recu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser immediatement l'expediteur par retour de courriel et supprimer le courriel. Merci! Confidentiality Warning: This message, including any attachment, is sent only for the use of the intended recipient; it is confidential and may constitute privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any printing, copying, distribution or other use of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by return email, and delete it. Thank you! -- Linux-cluster mailing list Linux-cluster@xxxxxxxxxx https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/linux-cluster