On May 21, 2009, at 6:44 AM, ESGLinux wrote:
I continue with my 2 node cluster and with strange behaviours (or
I´ll explain the actual situation.
I have a cluster with 2 nodes. I Use IPMI as fencing device and all
works fine.
I have two separate networks for the services and for the cluster
management. (as I was instructed in this list, thanks for the
advice ;-) )
I use a iscsi volumen mounted on the two nodes and with GFS on it.
The problem I have now is that when one of the nodes lose the
connection to the service network (I disconnect the cable from the
interface) I expect the second node fence this node and take the
control of the services. But what I have is that the 2 nodes halt,
(no reboot, halt), is this normal?
one detail, the access to the GFS volumen is through this service
network. When I pull the cable I lose the connection to it. Can be
this the problem?
What do your logs say? Was fencing ever attempted? completed? Are
you pulling the connection that allows for IPMI communication?
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